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Payment Required When Total Is Zero

Daniel B

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I am working on adding a few existing accounts into Blesta both to get them in the system and to test out my email templates, so I am going through the entire creation process as client rather than from the admin panel.


When I use a coupon to make the price $0.00, it still forces me to select a payment type, and then takes me to the gateway (in this case paypal, where paypal throws and error about needing a number greater than 0).  After you then close paypal, there is no email notification or anything that the order went through until the cron runs up to 5 minutes later (not a huge issue...but this day and age...if I were to offer something free...a user is going to want instant notification that something worked).


When the cron runs, it does automatically mark the invoice as paid, but anyone who logs into the system before the cron runs is going to see an unpaid invoice that they can't actually pay and it might confuse them.


Is this a bug, feature request, or did I just do something wrong?


I think a better way to handle a free invoice is to simply not require payment and instantly mark it paid.

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BUG of course .

normally if invoice has a total ammount = 0 ; then it should mark it as paid or at least show a success message "your invoice not requiring any payment . thank for choosing xxxxxx company " .

in v2.5 , blesta close instantally invoice with total of 0 .

NOTE : some time i read question/case by something that already fixed in 2.5 , and is not exist or not fixed in v3 .

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