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  1. Last week
  2. It's possible that the custom language file is only loaded in the context of custom definitions in Blesta, like Payment Types (Under Settings > System > General > Payment Types) where custom definitions can be used. It may be necessary to wait for https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-5111 to be implemented, hopefully in 5.11, to allow any/all definitions to be overwritten here in an overrides file.
  3. Hi, I have added some edited language string lines on /language/pt_br/_custom.php file, but the changes do not work (don’t show). Example, I added the below string on the _custom.php file as you can see on the image attach. $lang['ClientLogin.index.description'] = 'Teste String.'; But nothing changes. If I change directly the file client_login.php it works. What do I need to do for the lines I add on _custom.php to work? Im using Blesta v5.10.1 Thanks
  4. We are working to add new payment gateways. For the moment is Paypal (credit cards through paypal too) and Cryptos (not through website, privately).
  5. Earlier
  6. Are you a real person? Why drudge up a 6 year old post about a company that no longer exists?
  7. Which PayPal gateway is this? If it's PayPal Payments Standard and the transaction in Blesta doesn't appear, make sure your IPN is enabled in your PayPal account, if it's disabled then PayPal won't make the request. https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/PayPal+Payments+Standard#PayPalPaymentsStandard-CommonIssues If the transaction does appear, and the invoice is paid, the cron will activate the service next time it runs, make sure you've set up the cron job correctly and that it's regularly running and updating the last ran date time under Settings > System > Automation. Blesta provisions paid pending services, so the invoice should be paid, and the service should be pending. If the service is in-review, then the order has not been approved, or was held for manual review due to your settings and/or fraud options.
  8. @WHMCSModuleNetworks Thank you, it was my another required module for Blesta.
  9. We already released the module and same has been replied to your email. You can get more details at
  10. OVH Server Automation for Blesta by WHMCSModule Networks is having an ability to communicate your Blesta Panel with OVH API. Using this module you or your customer can able to do various activities like viewing server information, server reboot, reverse ptr and so on features implemented in this module. ========================= CLIENT FUNCTIONS ========================= Rebuild of the Server Soft Reboot Server Rescue/Unrescue Server View Status And Details View Interfaces Details with Failover Enable Auto-generation of SSH Key - No need of password, i.e post Server deploy your customer need to rebuild it Download Private SSH Keys View Bandwidth Usage Information ========================= ADMIN FUNCTIONS ========================= Cancellation of the Server Rebuild of the Server Soft Reboot Server Rescue/Unrescue Server View Status And Details View Interfaces Details with Failover Enable Auto-generation of SSH Key - No need of password, i.e post Server deploy your customer need to rebuild it Download Private SSH Keys View Bandwidth Usage Information ========================= REQUIREMENTS ========================= Blesta latest version IonCude Loaders OVH API details License Key ========================= Pricing ========================= 40 EURO/ Yearly Note: This Modules Source Code is Encoded with Ioncube. MarketPlace Link : https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/224-OVH Server Module for Blesta Website Link: https://www.whmcsmodule.net/ovh-servers-automation-for-blesta
  11. @Starburst - Anyway works. We are glad the issue is resolved. The solution provided based on our implementation so you are free to adjust when required.
  12. why is there even a market place nothing works anymore anyway 😂
  13. could you so one for eco range dedis? kimsufi/sys/rise? could 100% need that
  14. drz2

    Vultr module

    PLEASE IGNORE. I WOULD DELETE IF I KEW HOW. I would like to know how to add a product (a VM with certain specifications) from the Vultr Marketplace to the Vultr module. Is that possible? I can of course make an API request outside of Blesta, but it would be a lot better if I could integrate it in the existing module. Thank you in advance fore your reply.
  15. Hi there! I'm new to Blesta - we're moving from WHMCS as it's so expensive. However, I'm having trouble. We've made a test account and are currently trying to send 30p transactions through to the account. PayPal says that the transaction's all good, but when you get sent back to Blesta, it simply takes you back to the dashboard, doesnt give my bank any money, and doesn't give customers (test account) the services . I don't know what's happening but it's good i caught it because everyone would be loosing out on money. Help please? Thanks!
  16. So, tried to enable Google Enterprise API reCAPTCHA for 5.10.1, and got locked out. Used Challenge v2 "I'm not a robot" Checkbox. Was this the wrong version? Does Blesta use Score based (v3) or v2 Invisible reCAPTACHA badge instead? Or does Blesta require to use the Legacy key?
  17. I'm trying to do the same, just had to manually enter clients, since the Import from Clientexec didn't work. My poor Ctrl, C & V keys might cause me to replace my keyboard. lol Using Blesta 5.10.0 Is there a way to change the Created Date? Thanks
  18. Starburst

    how to set up smtp

    Thanks @WHMCSModuleNetworks I've been banging my head with this error on AlmaLinux 9.4. The only thing I had to change was instead of ca-certificates.crt, 9.4 apparently uses ca-bundle.crt, so in the php.ini I put: [curl] curl.cainfo = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt [openssl] openssl.cafile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
  19. I'm having trouble using the domain managers API. The app api controller says I can access plugin public model methods. <?php /** * A RESTful API system for interacting with the Blesta backend. * * All public model methods are accessible. Plugin models may also be invoked by * simply formatting the model as Plugin.Model * (e.g. /api/plugin.model/method.format). Supports XML, JSON, and PHP as format * types. * * @package blesta * @subpackage blesta.app.controllers * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Phillips Data, Inc. * @license http://www.blesta.com/license/ The Blesta License Agreement * @link http://www.blesta.com/ Blesta */ What's an example of a good url? I've tried lots of combos.... I've also verified that I am correctly authenticating and passing the required params, but keep getting 415. https://[my.blesta.com]/api/plugin/domains/getlist.json?client_id=1 https://[my.blesta.com]/api/plugin.domains/getlist.json?client_id=1 415 b'{"message":"The format requested is not supported by the server.","response":null}'
  20. Makar

    Manual processing

    Hello everyone, I am going to resell the services of different companies that do not have an API, that is, there will be completely manual processing from order acceptance to delivery. so I installed the universal module, as a result, when placing an order, I made a choice of OS and location, but after issuing the order/service, it cannot be edited, that is, add a note for example ip, login, pass. Also, I would also like to add action buttons Please don't throw tomatoes. kindness and positivity 😃
  21. @WHMCSModuleNetworks Thank you so much for your hard work, this was my most wanted module for Blesta. I will purchase it soon & will use it in my production Blesta.
  22. OVH VPS Automation for Blesta by WHMCSModule Networks is having an ability to communicate your Blesta Panel with OVH API. Using this module you or your customer can able to do various activities like viewing server information, server reboot, power on/off and so on features implemented in this module. ========================= CLIENT FUNCTIONS ========================= Start/Stop/Rebuild/ View noVNC of the VPS Soft Reboot Server Rescue/Unrescue Server View VPS Status And Details View Interfaces Details with Failover Choose Default VM Image/Flavor/Region Enable Auto-generation of SSH Key - No need of password, i.e post VPS deploy your customer need to rebuild their VPS Download Private SSH Keys View Bandwidth Usage Information ========================= ADMIN FUNCTIONS ========================= Suspend/Unsuspend/ Cancel VPS Start/Stop/Rebuild/ View noVNC of the VPS Soft Reboot Server Rescue/Unrescue Server View VPS Status And Details View Interfaces Details with Failover Choose Default VM Image/Flavor/Region Enable Auto-generation of SSH Key - No need of password, i.e post VPS deploy your customer need to rebuild their VPS Download Private SSH Keys View Bandwidth Usage Information ========================= REQUIREMENTS ========================= Blesta latest version IonCude Loaders OVH API details License Key ========================= Pricing ========================= 40 EURO/ Yearly Note: This Modules Source Code is Encoded with Ioncube. Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/222-OVH VPS Automation Website Link: https://www.whmcsmodule.net/ovh-vps-automation-for-blesta
  23. Due to issues experienced with Blesta installed in a WordPress subdomain/subfolder, I decided to reinstall Blesta into a dedicated environment. The install succeeded, and all looked well, with one exception. We have a strict 2FA policy. However, when I try to enable 2FA, (Time-Based HMAC), I am not seeing a QR image to scan. This is what I see, and yes, I blacked out the “two-factor key” for this posting. I am using Blesta, version 5.9.3 on PHP 8.1 I have read other posts describing a similar experience, but I have not seen a resolution. Any ideas? *** Attention *** Updating our Blesta installation to the latest version SOLVED this issue!
  24. Allan

    install error

    I am trying to install Blesta and I am getting this error message. Any help would be great.
  25. Commenting for a solution and here are the solutions: 1. Login to your Server with SSH credentials curl --insecure https://curl.se/ca/cacert.pem -o /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ln -sf /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt 2. Edit your php ini file /etc/php.ini and add below content at end of the php.ini file [curl] curl.cainfo = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [openssl] openssl.cafile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt 3. Restart your web server and this will solve the error with Unable to connect with STARTTLS: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed how to fix it
  26. I honestly cannot tell you how the Domain was created as it has been so long ago. So it was likely in an old version, before Domain Manager. In the client I am currently having trouble with, there are no other services on the client profile, just a recurring invoice, and the domain. I would like to delete the domain from that client's profile.
  27. Paul

    .ca registrations

    What registrar module are you using? Howe are you trying to register the domain, as an admin or as a client during checkout? What fields are missing?
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