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  1. So you want to make your blesta installation to look like your website? First go to: app/views/client/default/ Make sure you Take a backup of the default folder or do make a new folder called default_backup and copy the files first before editing. upload the folders you need from your website like /css and /images and even /js if you have custom JS. Now go and edit: structure.pdt Here you can see everything which displays the Top / Content / footer. So remove everything except this: <section id="outer_layout"<?php echo ($this->Html->ifSet($outer_class) ? " class=\"" . $this->Html->_($outer_class, true) . "\"" : "");?>> <section class="layout"> <div class="page"> <?php echo $content;?> </div> </section> As that is the middle content Which we want to keep the same of course. Now copy the header from your website. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>My site Name</title> <meta name="author" content="Blesta" /> <meta name="rating" content="Safe For Kids" /> <link href="http://yoursite.com/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="http://yoursite.com/css/cubicwebs.css?v=2" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <section id="outer_layout"<?php echo ($this->Html->ifSet($outer_class) ? " class=\"" . $this->Html->_($outer_class, true) . "\"" : "");?>> <section class="layout"> <div class="page"> <?php echo $content;?> </div> </section> Now replace the http://yoursite.com/ of your CSS / JS to: [Remember to leave the external links like google the same] <?php echo $this->view_dir;?> And replace the Title of your design to: <?php echo (($page_title = (isset($page_title) ? $page_title : $this->_($page_title_lang, true, $get_params))) ? $this->Html->_($page_title, true) . " | " : "") . $this->Html->_($system_company->name, true);?> Like: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo (($page_title = (isset($page_title) ? $page_title : $this->_($page_title_lang, true, $get_params))) ? $this->Html->_($page_title, true) . " | " : "") . $this->Html->_($system_company->name, true);?></title> <meta name="author" content="Blesta" /> <meta name="rating" content="Safe For Kids" /> <link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/cubicwebs.css?v=2" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <section id="outer_layout"<?php echo ($this->Html->ifSet($outer_class) ? " class=\"" . $this->Html->_($outer_class, true) . "\"" : "");?>> <section class="layout"> <div class="page"> <?php echo $content;?> </div> </section> Now that will make the header the same. However we now need to add the final Blesta Header code, just above the </head><body> put the following code: <!--[if IE 9]><link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/ie9_css3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><![endif]--> <link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/jquery.qtip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <?php // Theme CSS if (isset($theme_css)) { ?> <link href="<?php $this->Html->_($theme_css);?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $this->Javascript->getFiles("head");?> <?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($custom_head); ?> <link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/jquery.qtip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <?php // Theme CSS if (isset($theme_css)) { ?> <link href="<?php $this->Html->_($theme_css);?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $this->Javascript->getFiles("head");?> <?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($custom_head); ?> Now it's time for the Footer. Paste your footer under the </section> like: <section id="outer_layout"<?php echo ($this->Html->ifSet($outer_class) ? " class=\"" . $this->Html->_($outer_class, true) . "\"" : "");?>> <section class="layout"> <div class="page"> <?php echo $content;?> </div> </section> <div class="footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="foot_left"> <b>Our Products</b><br /> </div> <div class="foot_middle"> <b>Blesta</b><br /> </div> <div class="foot_middle"> <b>Legal</b><br /> </div> <div class="foot_right"> <a href="https://cubicwebs.com/" class="footlogo"></a><br /> © Blesta 2013. All Rights Reserved.<br /> </div> </div> </div> Now to add the final Blesta code to the footer, Under your last DIV put the following: <?php echo $this->Javascript->getFiles("body");?> <?php echo $this->Javascript->getInline();?> </section> </body> </html> Like: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo (($page_title = (isset($page_title) ? $page_title : $this->_($page_title_lang, true, $get_params))) ? $this->Html->_($page_title, true) . " | " : "") . $this->Html->_($system_company->name, true);?></title> <meta name="author" content="Blesta" /> <meta name="rating" content="Safe For Kids" /> <link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/blesta.css?v=2" rel="stylesheet"> link href="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/jquery.qtip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <?php // Theme CSS if (isset($theme_css)) { ?> <link href="<?php $this->Html->_($theme_css);?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $this->Javascript->getFiles("head");?> <?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($custom_head); ?> </head> <body> <section id="outer_layout"<?php echo ($this->Html->ifSet($outer_class) ? " class=\"" . $this->Html->_($outer_class, true) . "\"" : "");?>> <section class="layout"> <div class="page"> <?php echo $content;?> </div> </section> <div class="footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="foot_left"> <b>Our Products</b><br /> </div> <div class="foot_middle"> <b>Blesta</b><br /> </div> <div class="foot_middle"> <b>Legal</b><br /> <a href="https://cubicwebs.com/terms-of-service2">Terms & Conditions</a><br /> </div> <div class="foot_right"> <a href="https://cubicwebs.com/" class="footlogo"></a><br /> © Blesta 2013. All Rights Reserved.<br /> </div> </div> </div> <?php echo $this->Javascript->getFiles("body");?> <?php echo $this->Javascript->getInline();?> </section> </body> </html> Now you've got the Main core bit's done. Time to replace the extra bits, to make it easier I've made them sections and you can use what you need. Show Login when not logged in, but show Log out when logged in: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($logged_in)) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->client_uri . "logout/");?>">Logout</a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->client_uri . "login/");?>">Login</a> <?php } ?> Show different navigation depending whether user is logged in or not: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($logged_in)) { ?> <a href="http://billing.yourdomain.com/customers/accounts/">Payment Accounts</a> <a href="http://billing.yourdomain.com/customers/contacts/">Contacts</a> <a href="http://billing.yourdomain.com/customers/plugin/download_manager/client_main/">Downloads</a> <a href="http://billing.yourdomain.com/customers/plugin/support_manager/client_main/">Support</a> <a href="https://billing.yourdomain.com/plugin/order/main/signup/register">Sign up</a> <?php }else{ ?> <a href="https://yourdomain.com/shared-hosting">WebHosting</a> <a href="https://yourdomain.com/resellers">Resellers</a> <a href="https://yourdomain.com/managed-vps">VPS</a> <a href="https://yourdomain.com/shoutcasts">Streaming</a> <a href="https://yourdomain.com/domains">Domains</a> <a href="https://yourdomain.com/about-us">Company</a> <a href="https://billing.yourdomain.com/plugin/order/main/signup/register">Sign up</a> <?php } ?> If you have Multi-company licenses and you want the urls to change per company you will need to use this style URLs: Show the page title: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($title)) { $this->Html->_($title); } else { $this->_("AppController.client_structure.default_title"); } ?> Showing Theme Logo: <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri);?>"> <?php if (!empty($theme_logo)) { ?> <img src="<?php $this->Html->_($theme_logo);?>" alt="Logo" /> <?php } else { ?> <img src="<?php echo $this->view_dir;?>images/logo.png" alt="Blesta" /> <?php } ?> </a> Showing your own logo with link to the index: <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri);?>"><img src="urltologo.png"></a> or <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri);?>"><div class="logo"></div></a> or <a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri);?>" class="logo"></a> Return to Admin panel message: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($staff_as_client)) { ?> <div class="global_note"><?php $this->_("AppController.client_structure.staff_as_client_note", false, $this->Html->ifSet($this->admin_uri) . "clients/logoutasclient/");?></div> <?php } ?> The buttons which say Login / Return to portal etc: <?php if ($this->Html->ifSet($logged_in)) { ?> <span class="button"><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->client_uri . "logout/");?>"><?php $this->_("AppController.client_structure.text_logout");?></a></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="button"><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->client_uri . "login/");?>"><?php $this->_("AppController.client_structure.text_login");?></a></span> <?php } ?> <span class="button"><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe(WEBDIR);?>"><?php $this->_("AppController.client_structure.text_return_to_portal");?></a></span> Navigation with Link / Link / Link / Link and the bar under the header on default: <section class="outer_nav"> <section class="layout"> <div class="inner_layout"> <nav id="nav"> <ul> <?php $i = 0; $nav_total = count($nav); foreach ($this->Html->ifSet($nav, array()) as $link => $value) { $attributes = array(); $link_attributes = array(); if ($value['active']) $link_attributes['class'][] = "active"; if ($i == 0) $attributes['class'][] = "first"; elseif ($i == $nav_total-1) $attributes['class'][] = "last"; ?> <li<?php echo $this->Html->buildAttributes($attributes);?>> <a href="<?php $this->Html->_($link);?>"<?php echo $this->Html->buildAttributes($link_attributes);?>><?php $this->Html->_($value['name']);?></a> </li> <?php $i++; } unset($i); ?> </ul> </nav> </div> </section> </section> Hope this is a easier tut to follow, I've tried to make it as simple as I can. Good luck customizing your Blesta.
    1 point
  2. Tyson

    Adding Payment Types Error

    This is not a bug. If you read the tooltip next to the language checkbox when adding/editing a payment type, it will say that you should only check that box if you added the name to the language file. The language file is /languages/en_us/_custom.php. The same goes for custom fields and contact types. You'll need to either add the name to the language file, or edit the payment type and uncheck that box.
    1 point
  3. Paul

    Todays Final Question

    I would do a backup of the database after you do a fresh install. Then, you can just restore the database without having to do a whole new install.
    1 point
  4. I think this is a result of a missing mbstring extension. If you install mbstring in your php, it should resolve it. I have assigned this to CORE-680 as I don't think we want mbstring to be a system requirement. If we have to use it we may have to check for it before allowing GeoIP to be enabled.
    1 point
  5. Paul

    Adding Payment Types Error

    i'm not sure this is a bug, Blesta is attempting to use the language define to display the language, which is the intended purpose except that a language define does not exist.
    1 point
  6. Try this.. Try the following to enable debugging during import. Then attempt to import again. Open /config/blesta.php and change (line 11): Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then open /plugins/import_managers/components/migrators/blesta/2.5/blesta2_5.php and change (lines 199-201): //echo $e->getMessage(); //echo $e->getTraceAsString(); //continue; to: echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTraceAsString(); die;
    1 point
  7. Paul

    Re: Marked As Solved?

    If someone answers, and their answer provides a resolution to the OPs question then mark it as solved. This helps other people who may be searching for a similar issue.
    1 point
  8. Paul

    Enom Status

    We'll post it as soon as there is something to test. I don't have an ETA yet, we've been fixing any bugs that have surfaced this week and are preparing to release a patch sometime next week.
    1 point
  9. Tyson

    Invoices Are Not Sent

    sanetcy's solution should solve this issue. The email template needs to be syntactically correct. You can review the documentation to help with using tags in email templates.
    1 point
  10. sanetcy

    Invoices Are Not Sent

    Facilplan I had the same issue but I do not remember if it was my fault or the email template (Unpaid Invoice). An invoice has been created for your account and is attached to this email in PDF format. {% for invoice in invoices %} Invoice #: {invoice.id_code}{% endfor %} Make sure that the {% endfor %} is there Regards
    1 point
  11. Paul

    Initial Setup Error

    suPHP is not a requirement, but it does eliminate many permissions issues. Still, I'd like determine the cause for what he is experiencing so we can debug it and implement a fix.
    1 point
  12. If you see a blank page you can enable error reporting in /config/blesta.php. Change: Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1); Then try to reproduce the problem.
    1 point
  13. i got it was the package name jackjerr_basic
    1 point
  14. Thank you, this is the first thing they notice
    1 point
  15. Given the history of security problems in ZPanel, I'm not sure it has better security compared to anything
    1 point
  16. I read your lines again carefully, now I was able to reset the main install. (forgot importing the 2nd into the 1st database, thought in wrong direction) ok, I'll configure everything now, backing up before and after configuring - and then import from Blesta 2.5 (and back up again ;-) ) Thanks for your support!
    1 point
  17. We may have it automatically remove branding on unbranded licenses in the future.
    1 point
  18. smerrikin

    Installing Error - Help

    Hi, I am trying to install the trial before I purchase it. I followed all the instructions and looked through the forums. Here is my error. Oh noes!Call to Model::makeDSN with invalid parameters, required array('driver'=>,'database'=>,'host'=>) on line 226 in /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php(256): Model::makeDSN(NULL) #1 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php(278): Model->makeConnection() #2 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/model.php(117): Model->lazyConnect() #3 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/record/record.php(654): Model->query('SELECT `value` ...', Array) #4 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/session/session.php(233): Record->fetch() #5 [internal function]: Session->sessionSelect('14737cf24220dfd...') #6 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/session/session.php(170): session_start() #7 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/components/session/session.php(37): Session->sessionSet(1800, 'sessions', 'id', 'expire', 'value', 'blesta_sid') #8 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #9 [internal function]: ReflectionClass->newInstance() #10 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/loader.php(211): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #11 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/loader.php(85): Loader::loadAndInitialize(Object(Main), 'component', Array) #12 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/controller.php(117): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Main), Array) #13 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/app/app_controller.php(0): Controller->components() #14 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/plugins/cms/cms_controller.php(13): AppController->preAction() #15 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/plugins/cms/controllers/main.php(17): CmsController->preAction() #16 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/lib/dispatcher.php(102): Main->preAction() #17 /home/merrikin/public_html/install/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/install/') #18 {main} Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnknownException' with message 'Invalid callback Session::sessionWrite, cannot access private method Session::sessionWrite()' in Unknown:0 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: UnknownException::setErrorHandler(2, 'Invalid callbac...', 'Unknown', 0, Array) #1 {main} thrown inUnknown on line 0 Warning: Invalid callback Session::sessionClose, cannot access private method Session::sessionClose() in Unknown on line 0 I receive this error before entering any DB info. First time I go to the install dir is when I get it. Help? EDIT: Nevermind. I am a tool. Went to install/install.php and it all worked. Time to test this out now. Lock this thread if need be.
    1 point
  19. Blesta Addons

    Piping Emails.

    session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent on line <strong>170</strong> in <strong>/home/username/public_html/components/session/session.php something wrong with the php file , not the settings Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent on line
    1 point
  20. ovh is a good one ... i'm sure in the feature we will have one, as we have now a lot of blesta useres use the ovh service (server/domains/sms/vps/cloud ....)
    1 point
  21. i have changed pdt file as you suggested, it worked straight away, thank you so much mate
    1 point
  22. Thanks CubicWebs, it must have been what you mentioned about the folder. The server, IP and subdomains were exactly the same, but the second time I decided to use a different folder. Re-issuing the license solved the issue. While the server or IP restriction make sense, I don't understand the logic behind mapping a license to a customer folder... Just out of curiosity, would this be to prevent someone from running two Blesta installations in one single subdomain?
    1 point
  23. I've done a video for you. Video Demo: http://screencast.com/t/wA7D6wbPVSaD To get the API Code go to: WHM (https://yourdomain.com:2087) and then go to Cluster/Remote Access then go to Setup Remote Access Key It's recommended to re-generate the API to make sure you have a fresh one. Server name I put Titanic you need to put your full hostname in or IP depending on which you use eg: hostname.yourdomain.com or
    1 point
  24. Tyson

    Service Creation Issue

    Check your Service Creation email template. What tags are you using? If you use no tags, does the error go away? I suspect you are using a tag incorrectly. The documentation might help.
    1 point
  25. The code at the top quote, is for the link to blesta directory. You need to copy the css / js folders to the app/views/client/default/ folder, then instead of http://yourdomain.com/css/global.css that small code will turn it to: http://yourblestadomain.com/app/views/clients/default/css/global.css So for example if my css was css/global.css and css/blesta.css and I had js in js/slider.js and js/navigation.js you'd do <?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/global.css Not http://yourblestadomain.com/app/views/clients/default/css/global.css <?php echo $this->view_dir;?>css/blesta.css Not http://yourblestadomain.com/app/views/clients/default/css/blesta.css <?php echo $this->view_dir;?>js/slider.js Not http://yourblestadomain.com/app/views/clients/default/js/slider.js <?php echo $this->view_dir;?>js/nagivation.js Not http://yourblestadomain.com/app/views/clients/default/js/navigation.js Hope that explains it better for that section. In the title you change this: <title>Your site - Index</title> to <title><?php echo (($page_title = (isset($page_title) ? $page_title : $this->_($page_title_lang, true, $get_params))) ? $this->Html->_($page_title, true) . " | " : "") . $this->Html->_($system_company->name, true);?></title> That shows then eg: <title>Portal | YourCompany</title> <title>Support Tickets | YourCompany</title> <title>Portal | YourCompany2</title> <title>Shared Hosting | YourCompany</title> Hope that explains that for you too.
    1 point
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