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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2013 in all areas

  1. This has been added in CORE-622 for v3.0.2.
    1 point
  2. CORE-696 and CORE-722 (allowing coupons when not enabled) are fixed for 3.0.2.
    1 point
  3. Variables should be checked to exist: <?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->Html->ifSet($system_company->hostname)); ?> The second parameter of "true" preserves tags (i.e. < > " ') which may or may not be what you want to do, depending on the context.
    1 point
  4. While $this->Html->_() escapes HTML content to avoid introducing XSS vulnerabilities, I think you should continue to use $this->Html->safe() for wrapping custom URLs. Using $this->Html->_() several times is not as clean and readable. Also, these statements are equivalent: <?php $this->Html->_($variable); echo $this->Html->_($variable, true); ?>
    1 point
  5. Andreas


    I was just going to request this and decided to search for it first. Im glad I did. I need this as well. Looking forward toward this.
    1 point
  6. cloudrck

    Nginx Httprewrite

    Nginx has a system similar to Apaches mod_rewrite, while at the same time being completely different. It's also very robust, with the ability to use Perl or any other scripting language. This would go in the server{} area for your particular domain. Of course, there are more than one way to achieve rewriting for Blesta with Nginx, but I think this is the most efficient, and avoids the evil IF-IS many people use with Nginx configurations. If anybody is interested, there are loads of other settings that I use to speed Blesta up, which I'm still working on at the moment. To make it easier to update https://github.com/cloudrck/blesta-nginx location ~ (\.pdt) { return 403; } location / { error_page 404 = @blesta; log_not_found off; if ($request_uri ~ "^(.*)/install.php$"){ rewrite install.php /%1/install/ redirect; } } location @blesta { rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php last; }
    1 point
  7. RRWH

    Welcome Email For Hosting

    better and will stop someone else having problems...
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. RRWH


    Got it..... Found that php.ini had been configured to disable exec ! Might be worth adding to the install checks and noting that exec is required for the backups.
    1 point
  10. Ok, so turns out this is only reproducible if you disable one of the two Accepted Payment Types in [settings] > [Company] > [billing/Payment] > [Accepted Payment Types]. CORE-719 fixed for 3.0.2. To patch yourself update client_accounts.php (line 192): elseif (count($valid_account_types) == 1) to elseif ($step == 1 && count($valid_account_types) == 1)
    1 point
  11. Michael

    Opensrs / Tucows

    Blesta UI is the best I've seen to be honest, it's simple and easy to find things.
    1 point
  12. Paul

    Opensrs / Tucows

    Thanks, it's intentional. I've seen some people complain that Blesta looks "too slim", but we did that on purpose. While we will be adding in additional support for a lot of things, or goal is to keep everything simple. The fact is that the multi-level, super long nav that our competitors have contains things most people never need. The way we implemented the plugin system, and designed things overall, reduces the number of links to those actually necessary and settings and things that aren't needed on a frequent basis are hidden away. The problem for us I think, is that people are use to the clutter, but I'm hopeful that once they spend enough time in Blesta they will come to appreciate the way we handled the UI.
    1 point
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