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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2018 in Posts

  1. @cherry I found the issue...
    2 points
  2. bdacus01

    Jumping Ship

    Welcome to the group.. Hope it all works out well..
    1 point
  3. Cherry

    Stripe Plus Gateway

    @bdacus01 According to https://stripe.com/docs/security, all you need to really do is use TLS on your origin (https), and only store the card data on Stripe's end. As Blesta only ever stores the last 4 digits when using this module, you should be safe. Our Stripe account is 6+ years old, so we didn't have any additional questionnaires to fill out when we started using this. Could you perhaps send me a copy / screenshot of the questionnaire? We actually take a step further in our private implementation, and generate card tokens using stripe.js on our website, and only ever pass these to Blesta, so never transmitting card details to our server. This requires direct edits to Blesta though, which is why it is not a part of this module.
    1 point
  4. the function in the model is not returning the rules set, private function getRules($vars) { $rules = [ 'term' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'formatTerm'], ['_linked' => 'period']], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.term.format') ], 'length' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => ['maxLength', 5], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.term.length') ], 'valid' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => [[$this, 'validateTerm'], ['_linked' => 'period']], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.term.valid') ] ], 'period' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => [[$this, 'validatePeriod']], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.period.format') ] ], 'price' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'currencyToDecimal'], ['_linked' => 'currency'], 4], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.price.format') ] ], 'setup_fee' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'currencyToDecimal'], ['_linked' => 'currency'], 4], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.setup_fee.format') ] ], 'cancel_fee' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'pre_format' => [[$this, 'currencyToDecimal'], ['_linked' => 'currency'], 4], 'rule' => 'is_numeric', 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.cancel_fee.format') ] ], 'currency' => [ 'format' => [ 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => ['matches', '/^(.*){3}$/'], 'message' => $this->_('Pricings.!error.currency.format') ] ] ]; } i think it should have in the end a return $rules;
    1 point
  5. Tyson

    Pricings Model getRules()

    Thanks, CORE-2683
    1 point
  6. Tyson

    database diagram

    Don't link an `id_value` column to anything. It relates no table records, rather it is a derived value used in conjunction with `id_format`.
    1 point
  7. i did create an EER Diagram using MySQL Workbench's Reverse Engineer option, but it is not linking the table fields. Although the naming of the tables and sub tables and fields is self explanatory, I am not sure if I should link an id of id_value field to an appropriate table without investigation, because there is no primary foreign key relations on the diagram, thus not in the db.
    1 point
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