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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2018 in Posts

  1. Blesta Addons

    [Plugins] CashBox

    Cashbox Plugin is a tool that convert your blesta into a real cashbox, so you can with your staff manage the received cash and the spent money from this cash, you can see all transaction with dates, amount, staff ..ect, you can add a spent transaction. The plugin has a permission staff group, so you can check wish staff can list transaction, Add Spent transaction, Edit Transaction, Edit Settings. It Important to set a date of begin , that will start the transaction from in the setting page. The Plugin has a widget for admin staff to show the current money in the cashbox for every currency . This Plugin has it own table, so is not sharing/using/editing the transactions table, is a standalone plugin, the transactions table used only for calculs (Read Only Mode). The Plugin Require Pro Subscription
    2 points
  2. i hope if blesta add the option to allow admin select which fields are required (this already done), and allow them to choose wich fields are allowed for edition or not, in custom client fields we have option to disable edition (read only), but this apply also when the client signup so he can't add a value.
    1 point
  3. Just a little bug for you mate: $lang['CashboxPlugin.permission.admin_widget'] = 'Cashbox Widget'; should be: $lang['CashboxPlugin.permission.admin_main.widget'] = 'Cashbox Widget';
    1 point
  4. Thanks, i got it working I just needed to take my time and carefully place everything, turns out it was one of my footer Javascripts causing the problem
    1 point
  5. we have liked your idea .and added today , waiting your feedbacks . New Release 1.2.0
    1 point
  6. Is really dissapointed . EU is not the whole world, USA also, so if a soft is offered universally it should respect the major market laws, including japan china india canada ect .... This was announced a year ago and all other competitor has worked in it and now they are compliants . Blesta should add asterisks to the billing features like : Is not ideal for hosting industry. Is not compatible with EU invoicings and laws. Is not fully multi languages . Is not reflecting clients ideas, it reflect staff ideas . Ect....
    1 point
  7. Hi Michael, this is going offtopic, I don't want to start political discussions here. I don't know where you're from, but I'm pretty sure that spreading destructive political opinions is not the best marketing technique towards customers. I've been following this topic since months now and assumed by your name that you belong to Blesta, and I was close to quit because of this. Now I took a deeper look, you're just distributor and I really hope, the Blesta team doesn't share your opinion. Thanks @Paul for investigating and clearing up. That's a good starting point but time is running and I will take a look at other software, then decide.
    1 point
  8. Any news on this, yet? I took a look into the subject https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2463 with subtasks - most unassigned and unresolved. So I'm from Germany and all of my clients are in the EU. If Blesta won't be compatible with the GDPR in two weeks, I have to quit blesta and use another software. I absolutely cannot understand the ignorance regarding this topic by some commentators here.
    1 point
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