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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Tyson

    Square Payment Gateway (Alpha)

    If I were adding that myself, I would set an embed code for that specific order page from Blesta under Packages > Order Forms > (Settings tab). Refer to the docs for an example.
    1 point
  2. Paul

    Owned Unbranded license

    The license is eligible for transfer but will need Support & Updates as well as the transfer fee, since Support & Updates expired 5 years ago. ($39 + $25 = $64 total to transfer).
    1 point
  3. bunny

    Owned Unbranded license

    I bought licenses directly from blesta.com, buyer paying the transfer fee ($25 )
    1 point
  4. Happy Valentine's Day to our entire close-knit community! Taking this lovely opportunity we would like to reach out with fondness to all people special to us. Thank you so much for all the contribution made to our company! And here is something extra from our team to you on this special occasion. ? Purchase any Blesta extension offered on ModulesGarden Marketplace at a charming 14% discount, until 15th February inclusively! https://www.blog.modulesgarden.com/happy-valentines-day-2019
    1 point
  5. I found a solution. Its a square peg in a round hole but, it works. edit the blesta->app->views->client->bootstrap->client_pay_method.pdt remove line 75: <h4><?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($options_heading);?></h4> then add this to the very bottom of the page: <script> jQuery(function(){ jQuery('.gateway').click(); $('.gateway').parent().hide(); }); </script> The form will process without the need for the customer to click the radio button.
    1 point
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