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  1. Mithu

    nginx Template for HestiaCP

    I've Solved HestiaCP Blesta nginX Template. Here are my Template - HestiaCP nginX Template for Blesta
    1 point
  2. VegasX

    nginx Template for HestiaCP

    To set up an Nginx template for HestiaCP, you can create a custom configuration by editing the default Nginx templates in the control panel. This allows for tailored caching, proxy settings, or any specific web app configurations. For more information on setting up the vegas x org casino app download, make sure to configure your server for optimal performance and security.
    1 point
  3. To create an Nginx template for HestiaCP, you can customize the default configuration file located in `/usr/local/hestia/data/templates/nginx/`. Modify the template as needed, ensuring you include necessary directives for your specific applications and security settings. Don't forget to reload Nginx after making changes using `sudo systemctl reload nginx`.
    1 point
  4. Paul

    nginx Template for HestiaCP

    We have a sample configuration for Nginx here https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-Nginx but Nginx use should be reserved for experts. The sample config is reported to work pretty well, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. If you've copied the important bits from the sample config and still have problems, you might consider switching to Apache.
    1 point
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