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  1. Paul's post in Connecting A Blesta Account To An Existing Cpanel? was marked as the answer   
    Yep! That's the best way to go if the account is pre-existing.
    Some people will select the option to NOT invoice them when adding it if they were being billed previously by some other system and you want to sync them up, and then change the renew date after the service is added as well, so that it renews at the right time.
    For example, if it's a 1 year service when you add it, it will renew a year from today. But if the client paid you for a year back on say January 15, 2015, then you may not want to invoice them now, and change the renew date to January 15, 2016.
  2. Paul's post in Domain And Other Form Stuck In A Infinite Loop was marked as the answer   
    Your domain and your hosting packages should be in different groups. There is a drop down when configuring the order form to select the domain package group, and a multi-select to add one or more other groups. If you separate them like this, then it should work 
  3. Paul's post in Remove Version Details was marked as the answer   
    Yep, this was intentional. Typically if a vulnerability is found for a specific version of software, and this happened frequently with vBulletin, an attacker can google that string and come up with a pretty good list of targets.
  4. Paul's post in Support Manager + Attachment was marked as the answer   
    Attachments are supported, please ensure that your uploads directory is set and is writable. Settings > System > General > Basic Setup > Uploads Directory. This directory must be writable by your web server, cron user, and email server user. Also, ensure that you have the following directories inside the upload directory
    Assumes your uploads directory is at say /var/www/uploads/ (Be sure to start and end with a forward slash /)
    /var/www/uploads/1 (1 here is for company ID 1, if you have 1 company, that is this one)
    /var/www/uploads/1/support_manager_files (This is where support attachments go)
    /var/www/uploads/system (For system use)
    A link to any/all attachments will appear in the ticket for the reply they were attached to. Attachments are not however emailed out to staff or clients, but only downloadable in the UI. This is due to the potentially sensitive nature of attachments. But attachments can be emailed in.
  5. Paul's post in Mod_Rewrite Issue was marked as the answer   
    I've confirmed that it's in Blesta 3.4.2 from https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/download/61/blesta-3.4.2.zip
    Here's the content:
    ######################################################## # package: minPHP # filename: .htaccess ######################################################## <Files ~ "\.(pdt)$"> order deny,allow deny from all </Files> # Protect against Clickjacking #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" RewriteEngine on # Force HTTPS #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on #RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=307,NE,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/install.php$ RewriteRule install.php %1/install/ [R=301,L] You can uncomment #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" to protect against click jacking, and  the 2 lines under # Force HTTPS to force an https:// connection
  6. Paul's post in Welcome Email Not Being Sent was marked as the answer   
    The service creation email has a tag, {package.email_html} for HTML and {package.email_text} for TXT. Do you see these in yours? These tags get replaced with your Package welcome email HTML and TXT content.
  7. Paul's post in Reinstalling Blesta But Keep Company Info was marked as the answer   
    I suggest doing a new install, and keeping the test/trial install. Open both up side by side and copy the settings across manually. The reason is that copying individual tables over can potentially corrupt the database and cause any number of strange issues, it's not worth it.
  8. Paul's post in Stripe Returning No Data was marked as the answer   
    I'm pretty sure nothing changed with the stripe gateway from 3.3 to 3.4. Please check that curl SSL is still available to your PHP build. Blesta uses curl over https to stripe's API. Also ensure that port 443 egress is open at your firewall.
  9. Paul's post in After 3.4 Update, Icons Not Showing was marked as the answer   
    Most FTP programs can upload the files in ASCII or Binary depending on the file extension, automatically. In FileZilla's Settings under Transfers > File Types the Default transfer type: should be "Auto" (Other options are ASCII and Binary). Below is a list of filetypes that are treated as ASCII. Make sure "php" is listed.
    Then, just upload in Auto mode, and Filezilla should sort it out for you.
  10. Paul's post in Email To Staff To Say Someone Has Purchassed A Product was marked as the answer   
    You should also click the cog/gear icon on the Billing > Overview page for the Orders widget. You can subscribe to order emails so that you are notified for new orders. Each staff member who has access to this widget can access this and receive new order emails.
    While getting payment notices may be good, this is probably what you want.
  11. Paul's post in Change Admin Logo was marked as the answer   
    Settings > Company > Look & Feel, Staff Tab. Click edit next to the theme. If you are using the default them, click the "export" option, then import as a new theme, then edit and change logo.
  12. Paul's post in Multicraft Provisioning Issues. was marked as the answer   
    I'll have to defer to Tyson on what exactly gets logged, but I would expect something there if an attempt is being made to provision at all.
    Have you tried going to a client profile, clicking Add Service as an admin, and trying to create a Multicraft server that way? If the package you select is using Multicraft, it should attempt to provision it. This cuts out the client order process, as well as the cron to activate a service immediately.
  13. Paul's post in Multicraft Configurable Option Not Registering was marked as the answer   
    When you created the option, did you assign it to the same option group as your dedicated IP option? Do you have a term and currency that matches that being ordered for the package? For example, if the package is being ordered for 1 month in USD, there should be a 1 month USD option for the config option. A screenshot of your configs will help diagnose if you're still having trouble.
  14. Paul's post in Setup Fee Billed On Renewal was marked as the answer   
    This was fixed in 3.3.1, as part of CORE-1455. Please upgrade to 3.3.1 to resolve.
  15. Paul's post in Delete Staff Accounts? was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, security-wise it's not a problem. Inactive users can't login. But, if you are concerned, you could change their password and email address and then de-activate.
  16. Paul's post in Stop Config Options Moving? was marked as the answer   
    Under Packages > Options, click on the Group name and it will expand and display all the configurable options that are assigned to the group. I'm assuming all of your configurable options are assigned to the same group, and do not each have their own group. Is that right? Then, you just drag and drop them within that group.
    In the attached screenshot, I have a Multicraft group with 2 config options, Server Jar File, and Dedicated IP. I can sort them by drag-n-drop here.

  17. Paul's post in Multicraft Module: Dedicated Ip was marked as the answer   
    Yes it will set a dedicated IP when provisioned automatically. You just want to make sure you have some IPs for each Daemon ID set up in the module (and available to multicraft). If they do not get a dedicated IP, it will use the shared IP and a unique port (Not the default 25565).
  18. Paul's post in Support Issue With Attachments was marked as the answer   
    See CORE-1274. Attachments are not sent via email, as they may be too large. Instead, attachments can be downloaded via the browser. If you look at this task, you can update your email template to include a link to the ticket if there are any attachments by copying the conditional in the task. I've added it here for reference.
    {% if ticket.reply_has_attachments %} Files have been attached to this ticket reply. You may visit {update_ticket_url} to view the ticket and download the attachments. {% endif%}
  19. Paul's post in Statistics Not Showing Un User Control Panel was marked as the answer   
    Blesta relates to cPanel/WHM on the basis of the cPanel username. The cPanel password is irrelevant for API requests. If there are any problems with communication for a cPanel service and the cPanel server, the first thing to check is that the username is correct. It can be updated by clicking Manage for the service, and setting the correct username. Be sure to uncheck "Use Module", unless you are trying to change an already correct username.
  20. Paul's post in Migrator Blesta 3.1 To 3.2 was marked as the answer   
    There is no migrator from Blesta 3.x, instead you should do an Upgrade. Upgrade your 3.1 installation to 3.2.
  21. Paul's post in Clients was marked as the answer   
    That's odd, I tested this fine on 3.2.0. Are there any spaces after the domain?
  22. Paul's post in All Orders Go Into Pending was marked as the answer   
    Ah, I see. look under plugins/order/language/ and order/lib/order_types/*/language/
    It should be in there someplace. It's late and I'm at home so I don't have the exact file for you, but it'll be one of those.
  23. Paul's post in Can't Change Theme was marked as the answer   
    The screenshot showing galactic theme selected, shows no theme loaded for the admin area. My guess is that your nginx configs may not be correct.
    Try accessing /admin/theme/theme.css?dir= in your browser. Does it load any CSS styles? This resource should be included in the admin page, the styles returned by this override the defaults to display the theme. My guess is that this isn't working for you due to some server configuration.
  24. Paul's post in Google Checkout ? Google Wallet was marked as the answer   
    We stopped shipping Blesta with Google Checkout. We have not implemented a Google Wallet gateway, as some have reported that Google was not friendly to accepting payments for hosting providers.
  25. Paul's post in Bitcoin Exchange Rates was marked as the answer   
    I recommend using your native currency, not BTC.. Bitpay will convert it to bitcoin.
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