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Posts posted by hostingboss

  1. Every post and get request gets sanitized. As well I am using prepared statements. As for integrating it with blesta, I plan to eventually give it out as licensed panel with a blesta module. That of course will be after I get some use out of it. :)

  2. I honestly have no idea how blesta works code side so making a module for it is beyond me. Maybe eventually I will sit down and figure it out. The entire point of this is to be 100% unique from the other providers that use the common billing systems and control panels as the original plan was to keep it to myself. :)


    Most likely when/if I make some success off of it I will release it. It runs off of OnApp api to create a vds and install the software. Could make "modules" for other APIs. Just brainstorming :D


    Anyways, any suggestions to make this panel more unique are welcome!

  3. So, when I get bored I start random projects. My most recent one is a control panel for a gsp I plan to open up. It has some neat features but is still very much a wip. I don't plan on using this to replace my current blesta setup but it will go on the gsp.







    If you have any suggestions, tips (especially on security), etc... I would love to hear them!



    *I put the topic here since this isn't related to blesta in any way, shape, or form. If it belongs in the show off section well...sorry I guess.*

  4. Hello,


    I attempted to upgrade blesta to the latest version but it failed to do so. I was following this guide and these were the results.






    Any help would be appreciated. 


    EDIT: Sorry if there is a topic about this. I ran a search and nothing came up.

  5. Hello,


    Did this and now the admin interface redirects to the home.



    # package:    minPHP
    # filename:   .htaccess
    <Files ~ "\.(pdt)$">
       order deny,allow
       deny from all
    # Protect against Clickjacking
    #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    RewriteEngine on
    # Force HTTPS
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=307,NE,L]
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php
  6. The only way I can learn is to try things myself.


    EDIT: I basically wish to do the same thing but with a tab on the service page.


    I don't recommend editing modules unless you know how to, the other thread just needed the user to click the service row to see the login information.

  7. Alright, all I need to do is call a variable in the interworx module lang file and use it in php. I can display the variables with:

    echo $this->_("Interworx.variable");

    I just need to use that in php using "if" The only problem I have is no matter what I do I can't get the if statement to work. Mind helping me with the one single line I need.

  8. Almost 100% sure that is for the admin area. I don't believe there is a file for interworx to edit the customer page.


    From what I understand when you click manage it will bring you to the generic page for blesta located at:





    Now the problem is when you add info to that it will add it for every single product you have regardless if its relevant. I need to find a way to call the code when the service uses a certain module. Right now I am looking at module_id.

  9. Hello,


    It appears for active account on interworx none of the details are shown within the billing.






    As far I I know this is suppose to be showing:

    	<table class="table">
    		<tr class="heading_row">
    			<td class="fixed_small center border_none"><span class="paymnt_arrow"></span></td>
    			<td class="border_left"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.email");?></td>
    			<td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.password");?></td>
    			<td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.server");?></td>
    			<td class="last"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.options");?></td>
    			<td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_email);?></td>
    			<td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_password);?></td>
    			<td><?php $this->Html->_($module_row->meta->host_name);?></td>
    			<td><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe("http" . (isset($module_row->meta->use_ssl) && $module_row->meta->use_ssl == "false" ? "" : "s") . "://" . $this->Html->ifSet($module_row->meta->host_name) . ":" . $module_row->meta->port . "/siteworx/?domain=" . $service_fields->interworx_domain);?>" target="_blank"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.option_login");?></a></td>

    Sorry about all these support requests. Can be a bit lazy at times when I know I can hop in here and get the answer.



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