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Posts posted by ServZoo

  1. I have, but it has never worked for me. I have used bits and pieces of it. I'm working now 100%. It was a long road, but it's soooooo worth it!


    This is my true plunge into Blesta; bringing my main hosting company over from WHMCS. Plan to go live in the morning. :-)

  2. So, I've conquered the import, nginx config, and now I'm stuck on this one. :-)


    For some reason, I cannot change either the client or admin theme. It says successful and generates no errors in any logs (nginx, php, etc.) There are some strange issues with the navigation menu on the admin side as well, when you hover over the main tabs, you have sub tabs from both categories showing on top of each other (see screenshot.)


    Everything else appears to work without any issues at all.


    Any suggestions?



  3. Thanks again! I literally replaced my nginx conf (changing the paths), made the edits to fastcgi, cleared cache, restarted nginx and fpm. Everything loads up (still no change with the URLs.) They will load with SEF if I type it in, but all the links take you right back to index.php.


    I'm stumped on this one! :-)


    I appreciate the help!

  4. Thanks! I made those changes and the config tested fine. However, the issue remains. I can load SEF urls (/client/login), but all the links add /index.php back in automatically.

  5. I have removed my directories and you will notice a lot of commented sections. I have been toying with making this work. I'm by no means an NGINX expert, but I normally don't have this many issues. I did try to run the config listed on github, but had way too many errors, so I modified until it started working.


    Thanks for helping out!

    server {
            listen 80;
            listen 443 ssl;
            server_name billing.servzoo.com;
            access_log   *removed*.access.log rt_cache;
            error_log    *removed*.error.log;
            #rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent;
    # This will redirect index.php index.htm to /
    # Feel free to add other extension you need
    #if ( $request_uri ~ "/index.(php|html?)" ) {
    #       rewrite ^ /$1 permanent;
            root *removed*/htdocs;
            index index.php index.htm index.html;
            server_name billing.servzoo.com;
            ssl_certificate *removed*.crt;
            ssl_certificate_key *removed*.key;
            location / {
                    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
            location ~ \.php$ {
                    try_files $uri =404;
                    include fastcgi_params;
                    fastcgi_pass php;
    # Disallow access to any file with .pdt extension
    location ~ (\.pdt) {
        return 403;
    # Ported from Blesta's .htaccess
    # There are more than one way to accomplish this.
    # You can use try_files rather than using IF ... rewrite;
    #location / {
    #  error_page     404 = @blesta; #IF file doesn't exist
    #  log_not_found  off;
    # For access to install file
    #if ($request_uri ~ "^(.*)/install.php$"){
    #    rewrite install.php /%1/install/ redirect;
    #  }
    #if (!-e $request_filename){
    #rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php;
    #Core rewrite
    location @blesta {
      rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php last;
            include common/locations.conf;
  6. Starting a new topic because the closest to this one is 8 months old.


    Has anyone been successful in setting up SEF URL's with NGINX? I have read all the threads and the github project, but have been unsuccessful in getting the friendly URL's to work. 


    I may be losing my mind, but it almost appears that the actual URLS work, but they aren't being displayed as links. For instance, if I click on anything, it adds index.php to the URL, but if I manually type /clients/login, it goes there without adding index.php to the URL.


    Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing that will fix the internal linking to SEF?

  7. Okay, so here I go making the final switch away from the "W*M*S we don't speak of." I have some questions, don't shoot me!


    I'm using the domain and other order form and I'm stumped about a few things:


    1. Is there a way to just allow "update my name servers?" Right now I can only find register and transfer.


    2. Is there a way to hide the name server entry during the order process? I'm trying to simplify everything.


    Thanks a million!

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