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Posts posted by Nelsa

  1. are you using this in a production ?

    Well it is beta and I woudn't sugest to go in production with it ,final release will be available probably soon so why not wait little more, and if you decide to go with it than first back up stable variant so in case you got in to problems you can simple back on stable.

  2. So you mean that  I should give the config directory and blesta-new.php file user:apache permissions?

    Right now all files under web have user:user permissions.

    I give you example for Apache but it is same for any group just see which user is run child processes.Apache is originally started by user root,call it “root-process“. Now “root-process” launches  child processes which handle the client requests. For security reasons, the child processes are not run by user “root” but as a user with minimal privileges. Usually this user is named APACHE. To find out how this is called in your system, run:

    ps -ef | grep httpd | grep -v grep   //For  apache2 just change httpd in to apache in command

    and you will see something like:


    root 1926 1 0 Dec03 ? 00:00:55

    apache 2608 1926 0 14:31 ? 00:00:06

    apache 22192 1926 0 01:05 ?       


    If in your case some other user/group pop up,just edit apache in comand,this will fix group permission if it is issue(you said user perm. is corect)


    Group is last line above and since user and group are same named it won't make changes here but in you case it  coud   have different name


    It will look like:


    chgrp your_group /path/to/mydir       

    chmod g+w /path/to/mydir

  3. I started working on gateway with v2 API few days ago, I  finished reading docs and downloaded v2 API library and Blesta SDK,for now I'm in early stage and just installed gateway today(Thanks Paul for dev. licence :) ).Now it is only empty template you can install,uninstall and put your seler ID,key... but like I say I start two days ago. Now I'm starting to implement everything ,this gateway is intended for one of my customers but copyrights stay to me and I will share it for free.Note that this is not existing gateway update but completly new.


    Few previews(it is labeled as merchant since I put it in merchant foldler)




  4. Clent templates are located in blesta\app\views\client\ ,to edit default template look for files in blesta\app\views\client\bootstrap   BUT I sugest to copy bootstrap dir. first and rename it before edit files to avoid rewriting files everytime Blesta is updated,after rename it just go to settings-->look and feel-->templates and change template .

  5. To change package name ,go to  Packages and edit package you want ,you can put something like this in e-mail template


    Hi {client.first_name} ,your account is created and activated .
    Package: {package.package}
    log in URL: https://{module.host_name}:2083
    Your username:

    ......for more use tags available above e-mail template when creating/edit packages.

  6. Well if all inputs and outputs are labeled as success than account shoud be created,BUT if only input is there labeled as success without output than shoud look on server side (if remote key,username,ip....are OK).So I think you shoud put more information here.

    Server is new or cPanel module work before this issue? is that service you talk about is labeled as pending or there is no service at all in Blesta?It is very hard to tell what can be since very little information is available.

  7. +1 from me. I'm offering Plesk as alternative hosting solution for long time but till now never migrate clients nor start procesing new orders in Blesta ,still use integrated plesk billing,this is only service left outside blesta for me.I have plan to start working on this soon.

  8. You will find cron command in settings--->sistem--->automation   Here is  cron job  format 

    /usr/bin/php /home_dir/user_dir/public_html/blesta/index.php cron

    ,you can  also put this command  

    GET https://yourdomain.com/blesta_dir/cron/?cron_key=your_cron_key

      .NEED REPLACE your_cron_key  with cron key you can find in setings--->sistem-automation,and also replace yourdomain.com and blesta_dir wiith your domain and your blesta installation dir.


    Also I was curious to ask since that screen shot I provided shows it passes half way through the automation process wouldn't it indicate my account used to create hosting is being denied access from the server side rather than an issue with Blesta ?

    Yes and firebug will show you error response from your server,those GET and POST lines you see in console are requests blesta send to your server through module and if it pass line will have OK 200 response if not it will send error response,it can be anything .for example low conection timeout value or max alowed packet size value in mysql.ini settings or apache is restarted ...etc ,that is why it is important to see error.

  10. You will see GET ,POST...etc lines with responses and requests ,errors (if have)will be  red colored ,than if find errors click on that line and then click at response tab to see details and you will see error.for example "error 2xxxx Oh noes mysql server has gone...etc" in short you will see detailed error and from that you will know where to look for solutions

  11. Install firefox extension firebug and than in right corner you will have firebugg icon(well icon is a Bug so you will know which is :)),click on it to turn it on and console will pop up at botom ,then try to create account(or refresh page if already there) and you will see all requests and responses in console .Errors will be red colored.

  12. When blesta is installed on same server as plesk you will probably have issue with restarting server every time creating account.Solution is to set service restarting  few seconds after account is created,if you are already do this then use some debugger extension and debug error(firebug will do the job)

  13. Well seems you have two option for IPs ,first is to set number of IPs when creating plan and second is to leave empty and specify number of IPs when creating VPS which is fine when it comes ordering VPS.Seems problem is offering IPs as service upgrade, there is no option for creating plan with IP only or creating addons and I don't see option to upgrade VPS plan at all from end user panel , which mean,if ther is no some addon for virtualizator  you will have to resolve IP orders manualy.Maybe their demo server is restricted but I think it is not and it is probably reason why you didn't succeed to resolve this.You can use Blesta universal module for offering IPs and after procesing order you will need to add IPs manualy through Admin section in Virtualizator.

  14. Is there a guide for setting up addon ip's for virtualizor. On the wiki they have on their site 

    doesn't show the add on procedure.


    I can't get it to work do you need to name the ip field something special?

    I will use their demo server and make few screen shots for you,I will put it here for few minutes

  15. The OP here is talking about trying to offer IPs so customers can use the module to add IP's to their VPS.


    On SolusVM you have the configurable options so you can add / remove IPs.

    Yes I know what he ask but I didn't use it in production just basic check,and yes you can add/remove IPs in Virtualizator also ,first need to add IPs in pool

  16. did you try their IP addon thing to add a dedicated IP?

    Well as I remeber  I didn't install any addons ,I had only 5 dedicated IP availabe since I test it on my own test server at home(I have two older xeon duall core servers for testing here at home) and here IPv4's are very expensive .I just add my IPs in IP pool and leter you can set manualy IP or they can be alocated by sistem.I must say I didn't use virtualizator in production,I install it just to try blesta module.

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