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Everything posted by Nelsa

  1. For php 6 or older need Release 2.1.6
  2. This is usual fu..ck with centos .....thera are few work arounds.....he need php devel and MB strings for phpize tools .... pecl install mailparse this will never work because it work only on php 7+ so you need install lower version You can check here releases https://pecl.php.net/package/mailparse
  3. Run this first yum install php-devel php-mbstring Than try again
  4. Or even lower pecl install mailparse-2.1.6
  5. pecl install pecl_http-2.5.5
  6. pear install pecl/mailparse
  7. First image show option "traffic booster" and you can see group "Ultimate SEO" is assigned Second image shows option Groups TAB..Need to click on Packages-->Options..and than will see Option groups TAB Third image show Option group "Ultimate SEO",group which I assign to option traffic booster....now you can see "member packages" field...there you need to assign your packages.If you create option group first than you couldn't assign package at all
  8. In "Package Option Group" there is Package Membership field..check is hosting package assigned...and that is all I can remeber Package-->options-->group(not order form group but option group)
  9. Give me a minute to try replicate something. And just so you know if you set option name 1,on order form under hosting you will have 1 and price,on order form that name is shown
  10. When I visited your site I noticed that tab "Order" on blesta Portal dont work and also yourdomain.com/blesta/order link is not working which probably mean you didn't set default order form...admin-->packages-->order form-->settings ..(you'll see two tabs on left side order forms/settings)
  11. Ok ,did you assign that option to group and than group to package Steps 1.Add option and assign to group 2.Assign that group to package If You have package "hosting" and option "IP" ,,so if option "IP" is meber of group "addons"..than in hosting package in configurable options you need to have group "addons" assigned.
  12. In comparation...it will pass as long it is true...and will not pass if it is false.. So if you ask Is root username you insert equal/indentical as root ....system will return true and it will pass...oposite what you want...so you want to ask is user name root you just insert different than root...than system will return false and it will not pass OR it will pass every time it is not root...so this is what you want When it comes logical operators... == equal ... === identical != not equal ... !== not identical... For example 9 == 09 is true because 9 and 09 are equal/same number.. but 9 === 09 is false because 9 and 09 are not identical ..so it depend what you want..in your case both will work
  13. Here is working one for username..as you see you need to set !== between. Your sentece was not also correct but even if it was correct username root would pass because your rule compare IS dedi_username == root .....and because it is positive system return true...so username pass... in my case system check is username != than root..and every time it is different system will return true..so it will pass only when != root(not same as root) {"dedi_username":{ "format":{ "rule":["compares","!==","root"], "message":"Username must be other than root!" } }}
  14. Edit I just try this and it work {"dedi_hostname":{ "valid":{ "rule":"isEmpty", "negate":true, "message":"Hostname must not be empty" } }} {"dedi_sshkey":{ "valid":{ "rule":"isEmpty", "negate":true, "message":"SSH Key must not be empty" } }} Will try third now
  15. You have multiple terms for hosting but not for IP,if you chose 1 year hosting than you must chose 1 year for IP ..and so on..so every pricing option in hosting must have same term in conf. option In you case for every option you have(I see 4)..you need 6 pricing terms .In short every option must have 1 month,3 months,6 months,1 year, 2 year, 3 year terms On order form will be like this 1 IP option 1 month term ----> hosting 1 month term 1 IP option 3 month term---> hosting 3 month term ...and so on
  16. To just force user to fill field you can just set field as required.... Try this..it is identical as in the example... {"dedi_hostname":{ "valid":{ "rule":"isEmpty", "negate":true, "message":"Hostname must not be empty" } }}
  17. First you need to go to Settings-->Module--->Universal Module and click "menage".and add product .This product you will select latter in package creation process.All fields except name are optional and you can use to configure package and service,If you need just order and billing automation for something than you can add product with just name,when it comes to web hosting you can name it for example Kloxo hosting,in service option you would probably want add filed with label "Domain" and chose text as type..name is hidden and you can just use 1 for first field..2 for second..etc and in this field client would set domain he want to host on your server. In service option you can ask information you need for that service/product In package option you can add more package options client can chose..like dedicated IP..or...anything. After you set product you will go and add new package..in module drop down menu you will select "universal module"..than you will see one more field "product"..there you will select product you just configure.
  18. Well since I worked on his website and two servers he is using just few days ago I know for sure there is nothing wrong with servers..at least in that time both were configured well...website also worked like charm... He probably do some changes and I suggest Him to just try revert changes He made...I visited site and I can see Blesta is generating 404 on admin route...in short there is no valid route...try to roll back admin rute in /config/routes.php to default one ...I can bet you changed admin route but there is no rewrite rule for that changes
  19. Yeah I didn't understand..now I see they are actually sent but not at time you set.
  20. You can set first,second and third payment due notice in admin-->settings--->company-->billing-->notices ( url: admin/settings/company/billing/notices/) You have option to set first,second and third payment due notice to be send xx days before/after Invoice Due Date For example First payment due notice 1 day before Invoice Due Date Second payment due notice 1 day after Invoice Due Date Third payment due notice 3 days after Invoice Due Date
  21. Your welcome and you can always contact me I will be more than happy to respond.
  22. Welcome ,hope you'll have good time here..
  23. To be able access SFTP port your user MUST have SSH access,useer without SSH permission can't access SFTP also,people misunderstand SFTP with FTPS ..ie FTPS (FTP over SSL) vs. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).... SFTP has nothing with FTP,and FTP port 22 doesn't exist..it is SSH port You need to give user SSH access and you will be able to access SFTP without problem.
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