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Everything posted by RockIsland

  1. Yes, I did install support manager pro and it did conflict with support manger. I have since uninstalled support manager pro but had issues with removal as well. Even though it has been uninstalled, the menu still exists but shows mysql error when clicked. Not sure if that is related or not. I did discover some mail issues(phpmailparse) with the server when I investigated, but after running the cron manually the error still exists. I'll try removing the log from the dbase next.
  2. Thanks guys. Tyson, I did indeed find the stalled task. Not sure how I missed it before. The stalled task is the Download Tickets cron. Oddly enough, there are two identical tasks showing in the list. I disabled one and am now off to check the email configs.
  3. Not a bug? A warning of an error, where there isn't one, can't be an expected event, lol. It doesn't appear to affect any operations but it sure doesn't give one a warm and fuzzy feeling to see an error like this on the software that runs my business. I wonder now if the issue is with the check itself or with some cron task reporting as completed but actually not. It's been said above the check clears itself in 6 hours but it's been on my dashboard for the last 2 days.
  4. Tickets can be opened by non clients by creating a support dept. and leaving the box unchecked for "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets".
  5. I'm also experiencing this issue with a fresh install of 3.2.0. I have checked the logs and no tasks are showing as uncompleted, yet this warning has been there for 2 of the 4 days it has been installed. Looking at this thread, this bug seems to have been around for a while. Is there a workaround for this bug?
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