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Joseph H

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Everything posted by Joseph H

  1. From my point of view, I would ask for Identity verification, that may be ID's or whatever I think necessary. If they do provide you with the proof then we are good. If they fail then I would say Good bye. It's best to give the client a chance...
  2. Mind sharing @Naja7host .. That If you got it working that's marvelous...
  3. So It only works In v2.5, thats sad... .. I just hope we get this feature in by default with blesta.
  4. I tried your suggestion, but It did not resolve the issue for me.
  5. Ubuntu 14 php 5.5 Apache 2.4.9 Blesta 3.3.1 Hotfix installed My hunch is on the hot fix
  6. Same Issue on my end. The logo Is not showing too. Weird... ... Thanks, adding ob_end_clean(); really fixed it. But the thumb nail is not showing yet... I hope Blesta can look into this deeper
  7. I have noticed and error while trying to view invoices. I get "TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file" Any Idea on how to solve this Using blesta 3.3.1
  8. Joseph H

    Domain Checker

    I have succeded to set it up. But the value is sent empty. <div class="span8"> <form action="https://yatosha.com/billing/order/config/preconfig/domains" method="post"> <input type="text" value="" placeholder="Search for your domain name" style="height:50px; font-size:1.5em; width:95%; "> <checkbox name="tlds[]"> <br><font color="#FFFFFF" size="3"> <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".com" id="t.com"> .com <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".org" id="t.org"> .org <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".net" id="t.net"> .net <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".info" id="t.info"> .info <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".name" id="t.name"> .name <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".xyz" id="t.xyz"> .xyz <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".co.uk" id="t.co.uk"> .co.uk <input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value=".us" id="t.us"> .us </font> </div> <div class="span3"><button class="btn btn-large" input name="lookup" type="submit" value="Go" style="margin-top:22px;"><i class="icon-search circle"></i> Check availability</button></div>
  9. Joseph H

    Domain Checker

    Lol.. accidents do happen... but is this still unsolved? I really need it more than ever
  10. Joseph H

    Domain Checker

    I believe you replied on the wrong post @Licensecart This Is about domain checker
  11. Joseph H

    Domain Checker

    Too bad It's still unfinished.... It's a really useful thing
  12. Nice one @Licencecart .... full of details... Thanks
  13. Another Awesome work @Naja7host , And the Delete and Move Invoice is a really nice feature to come.. Thanks
  14. Thanks, I see the module of my choice has the most votes so far (DNS Management With cPanel DNS Only) .
  15. Joseph H

    Ban Ips?

    You can use the cPanel IP block, from what I know Is we still don't have that feature yet.
  16. There Is no difference, + If I were you I would stick with the ones In my own country......
  17. Great great module... this will make a lot of my forget about cpanel + I see a great hope in getting all missed modules
  18. I don't think you can do that with Blesta right now. But such requirements can be done with modules, so i believe you can get what you want but with a custom module.
  19. Can you please explain some more, where do you get that issue? Support Manager?
  20. I read that, It's true the sandbox should be removed from the module as a different method is required. Hope they remove It
  21. The domain was Indeed registered found It in newly added domains. Luckily I canceled It and got a refund immediately, I will create a ticket with my Provider and see
  22. I hope this Is what you are asking for https://test.httpapi.com/api/domains/register.json {"actiontypedesc":"Registration of mamanafsdfsd.com for 1 year","actionstatus":"Success","entityid":"56849232","status":"Success","eaqid":"265915849","actiontype":"AddNewDomain","description":"mamanafsdfsd.com","actionstatusdesc":"Domain registration completed Successfully"}
  23. Hi, I have encountered this on two different installations. I tick on use sandbox but on trial It works and registers domains. Both run on 3.3 PHP 5 Logicboxes version 2.1.2
  24. "Blesta could also be smart and eliminate irrelevant options by adding a "personal / business" account checkbox" Now that's more like It .. Would be nice to have that feature...
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