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Posts posted by Steffen

  1. Hello. 

    Am based in Norway and selling in EUR. As we use norwegian krone I need my reports to be in the norwegian krone, with the rate. 
    So is there a way to get my incomereport to include the sale in norwegian krone and the exchangerate of the day? 


  2. Files does not exist: /home/***/public_html/member/plugins/order/views/client/bootstrap/message.pdt on line 120 in /home/***/public_html/member/lib/view.php

    Printing Stack Trace:

    #0 /home/***/public_html/member/lib/controller.php(197): View->fetch('message', 'client/bootstra...')

    #1 /home/***/public_html/member/app/app_controller.php(0): Controller->partial()

    #2 /home/***/public_html/member/app/app_controller.php(0): AppController->setMessage()

    #3 /home/***/public_html/member/app/app_controller.php(0): AppController->verifyCsrfToken()

    #4 /home/***/public_html/member/plugins/order/order_controller.php(15): AppController->preAction()

    #5 /home/***/public_html/member/plugins/order/order_form_controller.php(38): OrderController->preAction()

    #6 /home/***/public_html/member/plugins/order/controllers/main.php(17): OrderFormController->preAction()

    #7 /home/***/public_html/member/lib/dispatcher.php(102): Main->preAction()

    #8 /home/***/public_html/member/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/member/order/m...')

    #9 {main}




    Trying to place an order and all I get is this. Could someone explain? Its a fresh install.

    It comes up when I have opened the orderform and click on "Add to cart".

  3. Hi. I need a plugin that sends invoices to a accounting program. 

    So I want it to:


    Lets say 10 invoices are created today. I want all of those 10 invoices be sent at midnight trough their API. 

    It also needs to get the current value of a Norwegian krone is trough services like Google Finance etc. And need to change the value of the USD into NOK (Norwegian drones), But also keep the USD. 


    So an invoice is like:

    Subtotal: 100$

    Total: 100$


    And at the bottom of the invoice it should be the todays currency including the full price in NOK. (Converted to NOK: Kr. 772.74,-)


    The API is added as an attachment. 


    If you can do it, am willing to pay. Please give me an price. You can contact me on mail: Steffen at Saetrevik.net



  4. Hi, am in need of Norwegian translation. But as its only on 25%, I would need to translate the client area.

    I dont care if the adminarea is in english, but I would like that the clientarea is in Norwegian.

    Where do I find the translationfiles for only Clientarea? So I can translate them.

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