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Posts posted by sharktek

  1. Unfortunately, we lost a client today due to this bug--I am assuming it is a regex error of sorts.

    Wondering if others can recreate issue.


    To recreate:


    1) I am logged in as admin, currently on the /admin/clients/add/ page.

    *Note: Use email as username is checked


    2) When I enter the following emails, I receive the response "Invalid email address.":

     - test@rentorprise.com

     - test2@bestorprise.com

     - test@bestorrise.com

     - test@bestorrisse.com

     - test@bestorrisse.com

     - test@entraprise.com

     - test@entoraprise.com


    The same problem occurs via API (clients create) and when editing a user via /admin/clients/edit/555/


    Attached Screenshot shows the result.


    Any ideas?


  2. Hello,


    Using the API, I am creating a service then generating an invoice for that service using:

    createFromServices( integer $client_id, array $service_ids, string $currency, string $due_date, boolean $allow_pro_rata = true, boolean $services_renew = false )


    We generate this invoice because the initial service created is marked as "pending" and we don't want the service activated until successful payment.

    Our issue, however, is that when we generate this invoice (createFromServices) there is no option to disable delivery of the invoice via email.

    We are only able to do this by disabling delivery of unpaid invoices as a system-wide setting.


    Do you have any suggestions as to how we can generate this invoice from service without delivering it via email?

  3. Hey all devs--wondering if you could point me in the right direction,


    We are trying to create a front end for stripe on our website (via Stripe API) so that users can process payments on our website:

    This is what I am trying to achieve:


    1) Gather all user/card data in a form on our website

    2) Charge the card for an invoice on a recurring Blesta service we created using universal module

    3) Mark that invoice as paid accordingly


    My questions on doing this:

    1) Would I be using the Stripe_Charge::create(); to create this charge?

    2) How would I associate this charge to a specific customer's invoice?


    Any push in the right direction would be awesome!


  4. Using the API, I am trying to dynamically add a service as active and create an invoice.

    The service should be renewable and invoice recurring as a result.

    //Add service to client
    $data = array(
        'vars' => array(
            'package_group_id' => "8",
            'pricing_id' => "6",
            'client_id' => "31",
    	'module_row_id' => "5",
    	'status' => "active"
    $response = $api->post("services", "add", $data);

    When I log into the admin portal, the service is there yet no invoice is generated.


    As such, I attempted to generate an invoice using 

    Add Invoice from Service
    $data = array(
            'client_id' => 31,
    		'service_ids' => array('service_ids' => 6),
            'currency' => "USD",
            'due_date' => "2014-09-13 10:54:30",
    //Create Invoice for service
    $response = $api->post("invoices", "createFromServices", $data);

    The invoice then appears, yet I do not know if this will automatically create an invoice after every renewal period as it was not generated on its own before calling this function.


    Please advise

  5. Hello,


    I am able to retrieve client settings via the following code:

    $response = $api->get("clients", "get", array('client_id' => 28));

    However, I am unable to delete a client using an updated API call, is my syntax incorrect?


    $response = $api->delete("clients", "delete", array('client_id' => 28));


  6. Hello!


    Blesta has been working great for us and has thus far met all of our needs!


    My team and I are developing a web application which provides a monthly service. I am beginning to look at the dev docs, however, I was wondering if someone could point us in the right direction as far as this goes:


    We would like to set this monthly service as a recurring invoice on Blesta and if it goes unpaid, I need to insert a "0" into a column called "active" on a separate database. I could even do this by passing 0 and the cleint email via post/get to our web application. I am at a loss, however, as to where to start programming Blesta to do so after suspension of a recurring unpaid invoice. Should I create a plugin? Or use an event? Or create a module?


    Just looking for some advice to point me in the right direction. Please let me know if I can be more clear.



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