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Everything posted by MineHarvest66

  1. This issue and another bizarre one seems to be resolved now.
  2. As I mentioned in the ticket I had re saved the package with the correct server group with the correct server within that group but it still giving me that module row error regardless. Please do get back on that.
  3. I had replied to the ticket with the findings and I am trying to work wiht the provider as well to see if mod_security is the problem or not as well.
  4. Yes this and the other two that I stated on my ticket are still issues and the web hosting provider just said "no" to your question about Mod_security/anything else getting in the way.
  5. Thanks you very much in advance and you should have the PM in a couple of minutes of this post. Edit: I had just sent you the PM just now.
  6. MineHarvest66

    404 Error?

    Hi, I am not sure why but I am getting a "404" error when I try to go to checkout on my test client account. Here what I exactly did on my installion. 1. Login as Client from the admin side 2. Went to return to portal and clicked order 3. Applied a coupon code for me to not make me charge myself 4. Ordered the service on the order form BOTH are which are active 5. 404 error There is no logs or anything and the order did not go into the pending queue nor did the official Cpanel module even outputted anything to even try to provision my test order. I am not sure where to take it from here given there is no logs to display what is even wrong. Please do help me out with this and thanks in advance.
  7. Actually it is possible to switch themes but only use one at time and only on the admin end because of that. I am suggesting for instance.. Customer A would prefer Blesta Blue and so be able to change to that Customer B would prefer Booty and be able to change to that while Customer A have his/her Blesta Blue to him/his self. At this current time the admin nor the customer can make this happens.
  8. Thanks you for checking into my feature thread. Yes your are right on the "money" but no since I haven't opened my "doors" yet (hopefully soon though). BUT I figured to bring this up in advance so when it needed/wanted it could possibly be already implemented or hopefully at least in the process of being so.
  9. No problems! Yes it was this one to be exact http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5552-module-cpanel-extended-v43/ but I may just start over with the "stock" one if no activity is done soon on that one. The only reason I would prefer that one though is it would allow customers to access Cpanel without having to log in within Cpanel if they would prefer that instead of the Cpanel themes.
  10. I thought it may be neat if there were an option for customers to set their own theme as an option much like Cpanel allows you to change your Cpanel theme around.
  11. Thanks you for the informationm, turns out it was the module's issue but that is now solved. I sent a message on the respected forum thread that there is an issue with not being able to activate the service however.
  12. Yes when I try to add the service by clicking "activate" it will output this error.
  13. Ahh it seem that the reseller is "unable" to provision a larger account so I guess it won't let me create a package because of this. Now that that is in mind I went ahead and created the one for now and this is what I get when I try to activate it.. a:1:{s:3:"url";a:1:{s:5:"empty";s:12:"Missing URL.";}} on line 782 in /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/components/modules/module.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/components/modules/cpanelextended/cpanelextended.php(1709): Module->log(NULL, '', 'output', false) #1 /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/components/modules/cpanelextended/cpanelextended.php(469): cpanelextended->parseResponse('') #2 /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/app/models/services.php(1092): cpanelextended->addService(Object(stdClass), Array, NULL, NULL, 'active') #3 /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3864): Services->edit('1', Array, false, true) #4 /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->editService() #5 /home/diversi1/public_html/ca/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/ca/admin/clien...') #6 {main} I have no idea why this happening as all I did was click "activate" service after setting a password on the service..
  14. I can connect to the server as I mentioned BUT I cannot access any of my packages but the first one in my WHM list..
  15. Okay now the server is connected however I only see ONE of the 3 packages I created in WHM..
  16. I think he forgot because the new version is "4.3" just get it from GitHub for now and I shall test it myself in about ~30 minutes as I have it successfully on my Blesta install right now.
  17. I am confused because I still see the latest on the Market Place as 4.2.1 (https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/10-cPanel%20Extended)
  18. I should be able to try this out in the next ~30 minutes or so.
  19. I will be back later as well so if I do not see a report by you by then. Then I shall take the time to try it out while your still unavailable.
  20. So apparently the problem is not necessary the downgrading itself BUT rather the way it handled.. I would change this feature request to either A ) Have the option of informing the provider of a upgrade/downgrade and putting it in "pending" state for the provider to issue manually (not sure if this already exists or not) Or B )Have it so the module (I am assuming we are talking about OnApp's SolusVM one) "probe" the VM prior to downgrades to ensure diskspace is less/equal to the requested downgrading and if it not cancel the downgrade and have the ability to notifies customers and/or the provider of the failure.
  21. Yes we both cannot get any log generation out of this module at all.
  22. Is this even 100% truthful? Or are KVM/Xen providers just saying this so their customers "have" to pay for their diskspace that they do not want to use anymore?
  23. Indeed but let's not overreact that support is "nonexistence" since even though this is a core issue of it. It haven't been 24 hours since the issue appeared on this thread. Now if some time passes and NOTHING happens then sure their loss leading marketing isn't great.
  24. I can also confirms as above that it purely this extended version and the dev should see what is going on with this. As I do have FULL reseller privileges including the remote access key and being able to refresh it as well (which I tried before stating this is a problem).
  25. Thanks you for adding to my case to better assure that I am not viewed as a "crazy" person.
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