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Posts posted by ReinforcedPanda

  1. Are you talking about domain extensions?  Or you have a list of domain names you don't want?


    I don't remember seeing a disallowed domains list.

    Hi, there is a section in plesk that allows you to disallow domains. Below is a screenshot.

    I'd like the module to check this list during checkout. That way they can't checkout with a disallowed domain and fill my blesta error logs with plesk activation errors :P


  2. Hello,


    When I try to activate someone's hosting package in blesta, I get the following error shown in the image below




    Here's the error output 

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <packet version="">
    <errtext>Parser error: Request is invalid. Error in line 2: Element 'id': '' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'id_type'.</errtext>
    </system> </packet>
    It seems it can't find the customer in plesk, but isn't the module in blesta supposed to add the customer for you then activate the subscription?

    I'm running Blesta 3.2.2 and Plesk 12


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