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Paul Battaglia

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Posts posted by Paul Battaglia

  1. Settings > Company > Currencies > Active Currencies


    What is the exchange rate for AUD and USD and what is your default currency? (The default exchange rate is 1.0000 which would make it appear that there is no conversion. If that's the case, you need to manually update in or enable automatic exchange rate updates)


    The rate is set to 1.0000 but I have enabled "automatic exchange rate updates". Any thoughts?

  2. 1. Because it's not designed that way. Currency conversion happens at the time of invoice.

    2. Great

    3. Is that your expected behavior? They are being converted. If they were unable to be configured, due to settings, then they would necessarily appear on separate invoices. (Because an invoice cannot have multiple currencies on it)


    For point 3, the items appear on one invoice but the conversion is not happening. The USD items are being charged in AUD. Good for the client but not for me. What to do?


    I'm not sure I fully understand the issue, a couple things to note:


    1. Any conversion happens at the time the invoice is generated, not paid.
    2. Make sure your exchange rates are being updated and are correct, see Settings > Company > Currencies > Currency Setup (And Active Currencies)
    3. Invoices only contain services of the same currency (no mix of currencies on a single invoice)


    1. Why wouldn't the conversion happenon the day of the transaction?

    2. That has been setup correctly.

    3. I do have a renewal invoice that has a mix of services using different currencies. They all seem to be charged in AUD which is the default currency. They are scheduled to be renewed at the 1st of the month

  4. I have services which renew on the first of the month.


    Some are in USD and others in AUD.


    The client currency is in AUD.


    When I checked the invoice on the client dashboard, the invoice is in AUD. The packages in USD are not being converted into AUD at the time of payment.


    Does anyone have a similar issue?


    Ideally I would like the conversion to happen at the time of payment but also have the invoice indicate anything that is not in the clients currency on the invoice.



  5. Has this been released? I'm trying to move to Blesta, but so many thigns missing in compariosn unfortunately. Synergy Wholesale being 1 of them. So if this is up and working there's 1 less problem crossed out :)


    I'm not releasing the synergy wholesale extension until Blesta get their domain management framework sorted out. Sadly, WHMCS has a better way to manage domains for the admin.


    For me to support the 100s of synergy domains I need to create a separate package for each. This is ridiculous. I will rework it once Blesta sort this domain management mess.

  6. CORE-818 and CORE-819 address the domain management plugin (These Epics are currently private). We are working out the details internally, and considering everything everyone has had to say regarding domains. It's likely that we will open these tasks up and start a discussion in the near future.


    These features will be dependent on 4.0 however, which we want to get out relatively quickly. There are a lot of major benefits to developers in 4.0, in part because of the PHP dependency change to PHP 5.4, namespaces, and more. Domain management won't be in 4.0, but we are continuing to make progress in designing the feature, and implementing some other core changes so that it will be easier to implement. (For example, plugins will be able to control package pricing. This allows for the domain plugin to set pricing for domains (Think pricing grid for new/renew/transfer, 1-10 years). It's a powerful feature that could be used by other plugins for a variety of purposes.)


    This are all great thoughts. One thing that you need to keep in mind is how to migrate the "domain packages" created and services associated with them to the new domain management framework.


    There are a number of us who are developing within the current framework which is not great to say the least.

  7. Check your Interworx package welcome email, and/or the service creation email template. Look at all tags you have set, and any conditionals for both HTML and Text versions.


    Each tag should be in braces, {tag_here}, and you shouldn't have any special characters like asterisks. Conditionals used should be closed with the appropriate {% endif %} tag, or {% endfor %} for loops.


    Tyson, do we have a set of templates we can use as an example?

  8. Hi All


    I seem to be having an issue with an email that is being sent after provisioning an interworx hosting package. I'm not sure which template I'm supposed to be checking.


    Is there a way of checking my templates before we have these embarrassing situations on a live system?


    Thanks in advance.


    Oh noes!

    unexpected character in filters : "/" at 275 on line 233 in /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php 

    Printing Stack Trace:
    #0 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(114): ArgumentLexer->parse()
    #1 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/vendors/h2o/h2o/parser.php(75): H2o_Parser::parseArguments('

    \r\n\tHi {conta...')
    #4 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/models/emails.php(806): H2o::parseString('

    \r\n\tHi {conta...', Array)
    #5 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/models/emails.php(512): Emails->buildEmail('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', Array)
    #6 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/models/services.php(1375): Emails->send('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', 'accounts@pengui...', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array)
    #7 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/models/services.php(895): Services->sendNotificationEmail(Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), '41')
    #8 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(4228): Services->add(Array, Array, true)
    #9 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(4129): AdminClients->createService(Array, Array)
    #10 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3569): AdminClients->processServiceStep('confirm', Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass))
    #11 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->addService()
    #12 /chroot/home/djadmin/digitaljunction.com.au/html/manage/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/index.php/admi...')
    #13 {main}


  9. I'm developing  a new plugin for Synergy Wholesale. Is there a general rule on how to define the year limits for registration of domains. For example, .com domains can be registered from 1 to 10 years but .com.au can only be registered for 2 years.


    I want to stop admins from allowing periods that the registrar will reject.


    I'm looking at a best practice way of doing this.

  10. Have you tried checking it with the normal namecheap (non sandbox) as I believe that's their sandbox api error.



    I have not used the production api as I'm being a bit of tight arse. If this is the standard sandbox api response, i didn't get this impression when I signed up for the account. I registered for the namecheap account so I can test the workflow for registering a domain as I'm building a module for another Australian domain registrar. 


    Is there a module i can use that has a fully functioning sandbox api?

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