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Posts posted by ericlimab

  1. So you're saying that:

    • You have dedicated IPs available for a module row that are not currently in use, and they are set to the correct daemon ID in Multicraft as you have defined them in Blesta - as described in the docs
    • You add a service, whose package uses that module row, and you select the config option for a dedicated IP as described in the docs
    • The logs show that an IP and Daemon ID combination have been sent to Multicraft as the dedicated IP address - obfuscated as "my_PUBLIC_IP" in your logs, above
    All of that sounds like valid behavior. So the question, then, is what IP address did you expect to be set for the server? What incorrect IP did it set, and where did it get this incorrect IP address from?

    The module would only select an IP address that was available in the dedicated IP list, as described in #1.

    I mean dedicated IP's, with a 25565 port. 1, 2, 3 are all yes.

  2. When someone orders a dedicated IP using that config option, one of the IPs that you have set under [settings] -> [Modules] -> [Multicraft] (Manage) -> (edit) will be chosen if it is not currently in use. If none are available, it will instead choose the best daemon to use based on memory usage, and Multicraft will assign an appropriate IP.

    The IPs are correctly added and the IP is marked not in use.

  3. Based on your logs, it looks like it's working correctly. Is the "my_PUBLIC_IP" not correct?

    Server is setup, but the IP is not a dedicated IP.

    You could create an addon that uses the config option, but I'm not sure that's what you're looking for here. Config options don't have limits, so as long as they are assigned to the package they will be available. You could set a limit on the package instead, and only set that config option for that package--kind of like a dedicated MC server only package.

    I will look into that.


    A suspended service in Blesta can be reactivated upon payment, or manually if you choose to do so. So it does not immediately delete the Multicraft server on suspension. You can, however, delete the server by cancelling the service instead. The directory for any saved files related to that server in Multicraft will not be deleted, though. Most people tend not to want automated cancellations to be done unless they are scheduled to be cancelled, or are cancelled manually, because there is no recovery from the action after it has been performed.

    Ok. Is there any way I can set a cron job like "after 15days of suspension, run the server delete method"?
  4. INPUT

    a:3:{i:0;s:1:"8";i:1;a:8:{i:0;s:4:"name";i:1;s:9:"autostart";i:2;s:13:"default_level";i:3;s:7:"jarfile";i:4;s:6:"jardir";i:5;s:6:"memory";i:6;s:7:"players";i:7;s:9:"daemon_id";}i:2;a:8:{i:0;s:16:"Minecraft Server";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:2:"10";i:3;s:0:"";i:4;s:11:"server_base";i:5;s:4:"3072";i:6;s:2:"60";i:7;s:1:"1";}}


    s:355:"{"success":true,"errors":[],"data":{"Server":{"memory":"3072","start_memory":"0","port":"25571","id":"8","name":"Minecraft Server","ip":"my_PUBLIC_IP","dir":"server8","world":"","players":"60","jarfile":"","autostart":"1","default_level":"10","daemon_id":"1","announce_save":"1","kick_delay":"3000","suspended":"0","autosave":"1","jardir":"server_base"}}}";
    We have 1 suspended server on the 25565 port. Is there any way we can limit the orders for this option or make this an addon?

    Also, after suspension immediately terminate/delete the server?

    Here is a screenshot of the option


  5. We are running Version 3.3.0, and Multicraft Module 1.2.0. 


    We are already running the latest build, and it's a problem where the Dedicated IP won't be assigned itself. 

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