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Everything posted by serge

  1. I'm not talking for me but know many people like drag-drop page/site builder
  2. well I'm born BE, lived RE, PH and now FR, my Comp was FR but now US , So I maybe did an interpretation about UK, you are by the way better placed to say for UK
  3. I believe it's cultural, if your country legal framework is not inspired US-UK old way, you know what is a Pro-forma, but when your country legal framework is close/from US/UK old way, you do not bother to call invoice (unpaid or paid) and using same order/id serial for both, so you do not bother so much with traceability because your accountability law do not have such requirement. You know being from EU, I use Pro-Forma label for unpaid invoice, but some US corporate customer for wish I made though proforma an official proposal, even did not understand it's was the formal proposal, they just do not know so much this word. But since UK within EU since years, so there is same need for accountability to have separate serial for unpaid invoice and paid invoice, and believe it's a matter of time such accountability traceability requirement will be worldwide to prevent fraud. it's real not hard to have 2 separate serial in the Blesta core database, one for unpaid and one for paid invoice, but until this is not understood...
  4. I believe full log is fine for be able to understand issue if it's happen and analyse, but keep log older than xx days could serve nothing
  5. Well if it's free can't they just order more than one key because it's free? And if it's paid you get paid more than once... This is the consequence of an unwanted situation as per feature request title in this post. In case of a free service the shop owner want to limit at only 1 unity by customer, the limit can be mentioned in the item description but that will not stop customer to re-order, so this feature request makes sense.
  6. I'm in the same boring situation, many customer order Free-trial more than one time, or customer create new accounts. I created a custom cron (1x day) to cancel service in given package groups being free trial that are using same domain of install (not being localhost or empty), as in my case I offer shopping cart plugin customer install on their server, and only first free trial is legitimate. supposing you want exactly what is described above, it's when you do provisioning of software licensed with blesta license module/plugin, and my custom cron through a custom db table can follow free trial abuse and next cancel it at services table in blesta I can share through PM
  7. This CMS plugin is a remplacement of the Blesta native one, no obligation to use this plugin for have CMS features, but it's help for have CMS features for people that want a GUI for that with some facilities, I can not remember Whmcs have any interface for create custom pages, at checking their documentations by today, they still do not have any interface for that. Native Blesta through official company addon is multi-company CMS able, and if you are not afraid to create pages without GUI, you can do it without using the named plugin in this post, it's just what I do, but most people will prefer GUI for that In my opinion, regarding the price, one time $100 USD is very fine, we are here on a niche market and not on a very more global market like Wordpress plugins, so if you want unique product of quality, that still a very good price considering it's only one time payment.
  8. Thanks for the answer naja7host, Just in case, I have no idea if good or not but I remember I saw on a public git some open code for be able to resell products between Blesta install, I think it was from a German guy
  9. Nice project! Regarding listing of third party module/plugin how will that work regarding: - license_key (license server parameters, number of allowed instance, etc) - type of code you accept (open, obfuscated, etc)
  10. if you have zero real customers, bellow sql is what I had to do in similar case, it's remove all row in each considered table: Run one line by one sql query: truncate support_replies; truncate support_tickets; truncate invoice_delivery; truncate invoice_lines; truncate invoices; truncate order_services; truncate orders; truncate service_fields; truncate services; truncate transaction_applied; truncate transactions; truncate log_account_access; truncate log_contacts; truncate log_emails; truncate log_gateways; truncate log_modules; truncate log_phpids; truncate log_services; truncate log_transactions; truncate log_users; truncate log_cron; But save your database before, so if you find it's not fine for you, you can back
  11. ok, I see, email template was fine but at package, the text tab had empty content, so there can I use as well tags like {package.name} or only text without tags?
  12. Email logs detail do not includes the "Welcome Email' content set in the package At log detail (click on the given email), I can see this: Hi TEST, Your service has been approved and activated. Please keep this email for your records. Thank you, and in my mail box & opening the email, I can see the very full: Hi TEST, Your Service has been approved and activated. Dragonpay Hosted Connector: MONTHLY SETUP GUIDE: https://siteshop.ph/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/index/3/ Please keep this email for your records. Thank you, So in the email logs detail it's miss, the 2 sentences, I set at package for "welcome email"
  13. My Blesta live install is 3.4.2 version, If I take the 3.5.3 archive, may go direct to: - over write files - upgrade db or I have to do separately every version upgrade from 3.4.2 ?
  14. I solved my issue, by the way, since OS upgrade, server switched in maintenance mode (single-user-mode) at boot, but I did not figured before, so I corrected
  15. Are you using it on your server, and if yes, what's your feedback https://nmap.org/
  16. serge

    New To Blesta

    the blesta default frontend is the portal, and you can modify portal content, from the "manage/edit" portal/cms plugin button at this plugin. I still use whmcs on an other website as for now blesta is lacking domain management features for sell domains but for the rest it's very more powerfull in my need/opinions, regarding front end it's same way as whmcs, there do have also the client portal as default front-end, but in blesta you can edit it from the blesta admin interface. Blesta is more flexible regarding packages, but it's need few learning curve, check on the forum about Mikes (Licensecart) signature, he done many tutorial including videos, blesta have order form you link to package group, and order form do have their own direct link. and there are type of order form (general, domain, etc)
  17. serge

    Issues With Piping

    it's will help you for your blesta email be not assimillated as spam or a spammer simulate being you, if you have some DNS TXT records like: 1/ A TXT DNS RECORD to definite allowed sender, so you will list your server IP(s):"v=spf1 ip4: ip4: -all" 2/ A TXT DNS RECORD FOR DKIM Other, regarding your permission level on the pipe file, there should not have relation as said Paul, but your mail box (mail server) is on the same server as your Blesta install? If not it's explain you needed 777 level, but using piping is only when all is on same server. if you are well on same sever, if you needed 777 for that work, it's could mean you user/group didn't own any right on the piping file and that really bad to solve it by giving full right to anybody
  18. serge

    Issues With Piping

    do you have a TXT dns record for say, email can only come from your IPs? Other regarding the file persmission, check also the group that own it
  19. I had heard a little before, I think it's online banking, so through bank wire with beneficiary data IBAN/SEPA pre-filled , but I can not really see what banks are supported in each country, because nevermind what EU country selected at sofort website, they only show German banks available? But great integration by the way.
  20. Thank You, both solutions worked fine, and it's echo same value I wanted/needed. by the way I'm confused by the sense of user_id VS customer_id, what's the difference? Do there is connection with contact(s) vs customer, so when there is only one contact for the customer both id match?
  21. In this client template: - client_main_custom_fields.pdt I would like to get value for: - client_id All my try did not work, any idea?
  22. Thanks for the info, I will wait for blesta upgrade, I ever have so many hacks
  23. Thanks for the info, by the way, do blesta have option for email address confirmation/validation, I have no found? other, Because I more think "grey list" mean mail-server at destination will say "re-try later", but if the user/mail box do not exist, it's really an other response and there is no "re-try" done from the mail-server at the origin?
  24. I got a customer registration at blesta with full fake data, including email address, So the "fake" customer ordered 2 free products, and I got 4 ticket auto created by each reply of the mail-server: - Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender So at every email sent by blesta, like: - account registration/confirmation - service activated Answer from our mail-server "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" is creating/updating support tickect, I such way I have now 4 support tickets that give me with ticket updates 6 email in my admin mail box I had heard blesta do some check for the email address before to accept to save it? But it's seem it's do not check if the user/ mailbox really exist at mail server, because even if the domain have MX record as in my case, the address was ending with gmail.com and of courses there are MX records for any fake@gmail.com , but check MX records never say if an email address is good (the user/mail box exist) Using this online tool, I was able to check/confirm the email address do not exist: http://mailtester.com/
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