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  1. I have added last 2 lines. But I forgot to add it here. Validations are occcuring. It is showing me my error message.
  2. Yes, my problem is page is going to other page. Actually it should not redirect if there is error.
  3. public function validateService($package, array $vars=null) { $rules = array( 'organization' => array( 'empty' => array( 'if_set' => true, 'rule' => 'isEmpty', 'negate' => true, 'message' => "Organization name is required" ) ) ); }
  4. My validations are getting fired for domain fields. But it does not keep open same page where error occurred. Instead of it allow me to register next domain. Steps: 1. I checked my domain is available or not. 2. if my domain is available, I tried to give additional fields(with incorrect values, so validations can get fired) and nameservers details. 3. Since I have entered invalid details it shows me message "Invalid details provided"(my validation message). But then it does not keep open the same page where I have entered invalid details. Instead it opens new page where I can register new domain. So, I have to manually press back button of browser and then I can enter valid details.
  5. Hi, I have added validations for additional fields for domain using validateservice method. But once validation fires it does not show those additional fields insted it shows only nameservers fields. How can I resolve it? Once those validation fires and user press conitnue button it is moved to next view without having domain name.
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