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Bit Bayou

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Posts posted by Bit Bayou

  1. Hi,


    We are currently looking at Blesta but can't implement if without this functionality.


    May I ask what timescales you are working towards for release?


    Kind Regards




    I'm doing this in my free time, but definitely actively developing it. I did take a couple of weeks off though as I prepared and went to Las Vegas. I just got back this past Sunday, so I'll continue developing it later this week.


    I hope to have the client side (and a "beta" release) with in a week or two- probably around the same time the 3.0 release is published.

  2. Well, while not necessarily the best option, you can definitely use cookies. Load the API on the first visit, then set a cookie with the DISPLAY prices. Caution: Don't use that price when calculating at checkout! But yeah, get the prices once, set a cookie for like 24 hours, then use the cookie data on all the other page loads.


    Basically set up the code that gets the price from the API and creates the cookie in a function called something like getPriceFor($item) then you can do something like:


    $price1 = ( empty( $_COOKIE['item1Price'] ) ) ? getPriceFor('item1') : $_COOKIE['item1Price'];



    That way, it only hits the API once every so often to update the cookie. You could then use a quick code to force a cookie refresh when/if the prices change later... Just thinking out loud :)




    Definitely make sure you fight things like cross site scripting too if you go this route...

  3. Pain meds bring out my "lets program this RIGHT NOW" attitude. That's when I start and finish programs in one sitting! lol


    and yeah, one thing I bought were some bluetooth headphones. I don't need them; but they look cool! lol

  4. Has anyone heard of or used a web client for a Teamspeak server? I'm not looking for a script to control the server or just show stats...


    I'm looking for maybe like a flash widget or something that can connect to a Teamspeak server that can be served from a webpage instead of someone needing the Teamspeak app? Any one here know of such a thing?

  5. I had made a bot once that would access the page in question to get the csrf token for use elsewhere.


    pfSense.org uses it, and I made a custom version of their software so my company can manage 100s of hotel guest networks. After installing the first 10 or so, I figured there had to be a better way! While in Blesta's case, this might be overkill, but I had made a script that turned the original pfsense install into my flavor. The script did things like create and manage folders, transfer files over SCP, set CRON tasks for special commands, and make changes in the admin interface <- that's where i had the csrf problem, so the first accesses the page like normal to get the token, then post the form with the specific data and the csrf token it received.


    It works great, but not sure I like that for this either.

  6. I'm on some medication for some sciatic never pain which keeps me awake, so my doctor gave me some Ambien to help me get to sleep recently. Right?


    Last night, I decided I wanted a few beers. I didn't get "wasted," but I had a few to get a good little buzz going.. You know, a good Friday night.


    I wake up this morning and I've got emails from Amazon.com about some orders I placed last night. About $50 worth of total merchandise.


    I've checked my email outbox and had to call one of my employers (he's a good guy and laughed about it), but I apparently sent several emails last night too...


    I really do not recall any of this! I'm not some addict or anything, I just wanted to enjoy my Friday night!


    I do not ever recommend mixing Ambien and alcohol!!!


    That is all :)

  7. It changes with each new session.


    In config/blesta.php look for this line: 

    Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", array());

    You can add controllers and actions to this array to bypass CSRF checks, for the client login it should be array('client_login::index') so the following should work:

    Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", array('client_login::index'));


    So this turns it off all together for client login? Not sure I'd like that idea?

  8. I like the idea, a free design, you just pay for the hosting....


    Too bad I suck at designing, or I'd probably do something like that too. I make things work through code and give it a basic view... I'm really horrible at graphics, matching colors, etc... but I can make it work! haha

  9. so what you're telling me is that I should probably stay away from it for now too... OK! lol thanks for information, I had just stumbled across it and wasn't sure if it would actually benefit anything or what

  10. It's a feature exclusive to webkit browsers I'm assuming. Do you think people would use this on a regular basis?


    Yeah, I caught on to the "webkit" part of the code...


    I don't know..it seems cool in theory, but it might get confusing if you have clients with crazy spelled names? I mean, I may not know how to spell it, and it may not know either! lol

  11. Seeing as Blesta is PHP based, and you are all PHP developers, have any of you tried Phar? I've recently came across http://box-project.org and was researching it at http://php.net/manual/en/book.phar.php


    Seems interesting, but not sure if want? I mean, we're all used to the ZIP/Tar archives and uploading a bunch of files via FTP..and then either running some MySQL queries or running an Install file...


    Would a move to "put entire PHP applications into a single file called a "phar" (PHP Archive) for easy distribution and installation" be better?


    I'm not even sure I understand the whole concept... Would it actually benefit anything, or is it just a different way of going about things? Anyone have any thoughts on that?

  12. Looks amazing, by no extra cost do you mean we pay you the price above or is it free to use? bit confused on that behalf. If it's being for sale on your site etc would you be looking for re-sellers?


    I understand it to be that you have to pay for the NOC-PS software, but the module will be freely available.

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