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Everything posted by Golfvilla

  1. I do not have SSH access with my virtual account. I had to submit a support ticket to do the dump but the cron is running successfully.
  2. 4,200 KB. Contains a lot of tables. Looks like everything is there.
  3. Thank you Paul, I will try that. I was just thinking, I am setting up my Blesta per the manual procedures, I haven't set up packages, modules, etc. yet. Would that have anything to do with the error message? Thanks!
  4. correction: disabled commands:
  5. Thanks Paul, Here is the output of the command: # whereis mysqldump mysqldump: /usr/bin/mysqldump /usr/share/man/man1/mysqldump.1.gz php.ini diabled commands: asp_tags = Off output_buffering = Off zlib.output_compression = Off implicit_flush = Off safe_mode = Off safe_mode_gid = Off expose_php = Off display_startup_errors = Off ignore_repeated_errors = Off ignore_repeated_source = Off track_errors = Off register_globals = Off magic_quotes_gpc = Off magic_quotes_runtime = Off magic_quotes_sybase = Off define_syslog_variables = Off sql.safe_mode = Off mysql.trace_mode = Off pgsql.auto_reset_persistent = Off sybase.compatability_mode = Off mssql.compatability_mode = Off mssql.secure_connection = Off
  6. mysql dump is installed on the server.
  7. Thank you Paul! I have to request SSH access. I will check with support about the existance of mysqldump.
  8. Thank you for your reply Licensecart. I setup a backup folder under the blesta folder on the same server as the website. It tested successfully on the setup.
  9. I just recently instaled Blesta on my In Motion Hosting Virtual LAMP server. I am in the process of setting up Blesta. I followed the instructions in the User Manual for setting up a secure FTP: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Important+Settings#ImportantSettings-SystemSpecific When I test the settings, I get the following: SFTP connection was successful! When I go back to On Demand backup and click on Force Offsite Backup, I get the following message: The SFTP backup failed. Any thoughts on why I am getting the failed message? Thanks!
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