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Posts posted by mcrowson

  1. I have an invoice that I would like to close with an in house credit. I can see easily how to do this in the GUI, but am attempting to do so via the API.

    When I make a POST to Transactions, it only allows types of cc, ach, and other. How do I go about using the API to create a credit and apply it to an invoice?

  2. @danmo, I've been using your python plugin, thanks so much for making it. I have been having an issue though with nested lists within dictionaries and was hoping you could help.


    My aim is to create an invoice from a service. I tried using the method createFromServices, but I always get an error saying that there is not a description for the service. I also tried creating the invoice separately and then adding the service to the invoice but with the same effect. When I create the invoice and add line items to it, including the service, it does not give me any errors, but none of the line items are added. Have you had any success linking services to invoices with your library?

  3. I got it down to only two calls: Invoice:getList and then Invoice:getLineItems for each invoice. The line items give descriptions for what was paid for. It was crazy slow. For looping through the invoices I am multithreading the API calls and it is somewhat faster (1.6 sec vs 5.8 sec) but I still would like it faster.


    What is the Blesta-oriented way to do what i want that wouldn't have so many calls? My goal is just to show people what they have paid for and how much they paid in the past.

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