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Posts posted by neosync

  1. Hi Guys,

    We have launched our new theme integration service for Blesta,  we can create a matching theme of your website design whether it is a normal html design or a CMS based such as WordPress or Joomla.


    Turnaround Time: 24 - 48 Business Hours

    Price: $24.99 USD.

    [Order Now]

    I can most definitely vouch for ModulesBakery. He completed ours a few weeks ago. Great service, highly recommended.


    So customers could choose the JAR directory from the available options: "Daemon Jar Directory" (daemon), "Server JAR Directory" (server), "Server Base Directory" (server_base)? Or can you set a custom directory name? The Multicraft API documentation isn't clear on its customizability. How do you manage custom JAR access for customers now? Do you check each order manually and change the JAR directory so they can upload their own when they have "Custom JAR Access" checked on their order?




    The "order form options" (i.e. service options and config options) are shown under the module options (e.g. under the "Multicraft Options" heading) in the admin interface when you go to add the service.


    Additional addon services are listed below those service options in the admin interface, selectable once you click the "Addons" link. The "Addons" link will only appear if the service can have addons assigned to it, which are made available via Package Groups. That might sound confusing, but the process is fairly simple once you get the hang of it:


    1. Create a package for the Multicraft service (you probably already have). Assign it to a package group. I'll refer to this package group as "Multicraft PG".
    2. Create a new package group for addons. I'll refer to this package group as "MC Addons". Select the type "Add-on". Assign the "Multicraft PG" package group to the list of parent groups.
    3. Create a package for an add-on service. Assign it to the "MC Addons" package group.
    4. Now when creating a Multicraft service, the "MC Addons" package group will be available, and the service you assigned to that group can be selected for order.



    Thanks Tyson! I figured out the order form one, you have to select the billing cycle before they show up (I wasn't doing so)..


    Currently, we manage custom JAR access by having the customer submit a ticket after checkout. I would just like to set the directory to the "server base directory" when the custom JAR access is ticked by the customer. We just do it manually how it is. This isn't a must, but just more of a suggestion.

  3. No ETA yet on the affiliate system, although you can follow its progress from this task.


    I'm curious why you would want to make the JAR directory an option for orders. It seems to me that customers may not understand why they're being asked to specify where the JAR Directory is for their JAR file when ordering. Could you elaborate on how you plan to use the JAR Directory as an option for orders? Would you show the option similar to how it is displayed when creating a package in Blesta?


    A good amount of customers require "custom JAR access" which has us change the directory of the JAR file so they may upload their own file (one that we do not have in our system). That is the main reason why we'd do that. We'd label it as "Custom JAR Access" so they are able to upload them. Yes, I would. I would just show it as a checkbox or dropdown on the order form.


    Edit: How would I be able to view the order form options when generating an order from the admin area? Some customers may want addons and I'd like to see how I'd be able to do this.

  4. Tell your friends!



    It would have no impact on the time/speed at which things are accomplished. Blesta uses its own internal scheduling, and the most frequently anything will run is 5 minutes. There are hacks to get around this, but we don't recommend it.



    A configurable option, or better yet the order form option "Require Agreement to Terms of Service", where you could include any other EULA's.



    You can select the directory from the Package, see http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft?preview=/3833872/3899418/module-options.png "Look for JARs in the following directory", if that helps? Tyson may be more helpful on this one.


    Thanks again, Paul. That helps a bit. We may just configure Multicraft to do that automatically if we indeed switch. Could you have Tyson jump in and see if we could do an option on the order form for server JAR directory?


    Do you guys have any ETA on the affiliate system? That is honestly what's holding us back at this time, as we run a partner program for Twitch/YouTube content creators and would need an alternative or in-house system.

  5. To force Blesta's Multicraft module to always use the port 25565, you can following these instructions:


    1. Make a backup of /components/modules/multicraft/lib/multicraft_service.php
    2. Open /components/modules/multicraft/lib/multicraft_service.php
    3. Find (toward the bottom of the file):

      $data = array('name' => "", 'port' => "", 'base' => "", 'players' => $players);
    4. Change to:

      $data = array('name' => "", 'port' => "25565", 'base' => "", 'players' => $players);
    5. Save the file, overriding the current file at /components/modules/multicraft/lib/multicraft_service.php


    That should take care of it.


    Do note:

     - that the module will always try to use port 25565 when creating a server. If you try to create multiple Multicraft servers on the same IP, it will try to use port 25565 for all of them, which may cause unexpected results.

     - that updating Blesta in the future will overwrite this file, so you will need to maintain this file change yourself


    Thanks again! I'll have to try this later today. It seems like Blesta has a much better module than WHMCS, as it's pretty much all integrated. Do you know what the risk would be of running the cron more than every 5 minutes? Do you also know if it'd be possible for the user to accept the Minecraft eula at checkout and have it echo? We have a button that does it within Multicraft, so I'd figure it would be easy but is it built in?


    Edit: Do you know how we can create a checkbox to have the server look for the JAR in the server base directory? Do not see it in the documentation or I would.

  6. In addition to what Licensecart mentioned:


    There isn't currently a method to set a default value for a package option. However, if you'd like to use the drop-down type, you can update that package option to use the Drop-down type, and change the value name to "Yes". You can add another option with the name "No", and a value of "0". Because "Yes" is the first option, it will appear at the top of the drop-down list, and it will be selected by default.




    Blesta doesn't assign a default port. Rather, it lets Multicraft determine the port to use. Someone brought up this issue before, where the port is incremented even when assigned a different IP address. I'm not sure why Multicraft works in that manner, however, it appears the WHMCS Multicraft module (written by Multicraft themselves) sets the port to use rather than relying on Multicraft to determine it.


    The other person that mentioned this to me decided to always use 25565 by updating our module to always set that port for new servers. That's certainly not the best solution, though.




    The admin menu is cached. You can force a cache update by re-saving your staff group permissions. i.e., from [settings] -> [system] -> [staff] -> [staff Groups] -> (edit), edit the staff group you're assigned to, and simply click the "Edit Group" button to re-save the settings.

    Do you know how I'd be able to alter it to always use 25565? We assign unique IPs to each server and this certainly would be a temporary solution. This is a must mainly because all of the servers need that default port. I have fixed the cache issue and it's all good menu side now. I'll definitely setup that dropdown (it's exactly how we have it now on WHMCS).  Thank you Licensecart and Tyson! Hopefully one of you can answer how I would edit it to make it 25565 by default.

  7. Hello, I have a few questions regarding the Multicraft module.


    1. We include free dedicated IPs which each of our servers, how would we make it to where the checkbox is default checked for the IP address or could we do a yes/no dropdown and have the default as yes (like we have it in WHMCS currently).


    2. How would I get Blesta to assign the default port (25565) if the dedicated IP address is selected? Currently, it's going up in increments of one and I'd like it to assign 25565 for every server.


    3. I'm also having an issue, to when after enabling mod_rewrite in .htaccess using the one provided by Blesta, for some reason all of the items in the admin menu like to keep the index.php in it and not update. Is there a setting I'm missing, or is this a bug?


    I'll may have more questions as I explore the software and the provisioning process. Thank you.

  8. I've confirmed that it's in Blesta 3.4.2 from https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/download/61/blesta-3.4.2.zip




    Here's the content:

    # package:    minPHP
    # filename:   .htaccess
    <Files ~ "\.(pdt)$">
       order deny,allow
       deny from all
    # Protect against Clickjacking
    #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    RewriteEngine on
    # Force HTTPS
    #RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    #RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=307,NE,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/install.php$
    RewriteRule install.php %1/install/ [R=301,L]

    You can uncomment #Header append X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" to protect against click jacking, and  the 2 lines under # Force HTTPS to force an https:// connection


    Thanks, Paul! It works now. I downloaded the package from the Blesta homepage as I am not a client quite yet and am just trying it out. So far, it's great. 

  9. We're considering migrating from WHMCS to Blesta and have the trial installed to see how it is. For some reason, a .htaccess file was not included within the installation, and when enabling mod_rewrite via .htaccess it seems like the URL system breaks and I need to put the index.php before the path. I'm wondering what the default .htaccess content should be. Could you guys let us know what we should put in the .htaccess file in order for Blesta to work? I'm not quite sure on what Blesta requires you to place.

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