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  1. sunrisepro's post in Payment url incorrect after migrating Blesta to a new domain was marked as the answer   
    There is no 'Basic Setup' option, that's part of the problem. I would start with changing it to System > Setup > Companies and then explain how the company url field is relevant. That's the actual problem and I only found it by going through every single Blesta setting until I found the url field in Companies.
  2. sunrisepro's post in Blesta In Subfolder, Can't View Invoices was marked as the answer   
    Ok, I've made this setting but it doesn't make sense to me since the Blesta subfolder is what's missing in the broken urls. In any case, I waited for the cron to run naturally instead of sending it myself and the urls were correct this time. I also sent it manually and the urls were correct there too.
    Much thanks for all the help!
  3. sunrisepro's post in How To Show All Products On One Page? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks - it was adding all the groups to one order form
  4. sunrisepro's post in Blesta Can't See Cpanel Packages was marked as the answer   
    Turns out it was not a lack of permissions - the import from my old host included a couple of cPanels with unlimited bandwidth, resulting in the reseller account being 'out' of the bandwidth. Thus no more accounts could be created which makes the cPanel API not provide any package information.
    Looks all good now - thanks for everyone's help here
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