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Posts posted by skillednerd

  1. I have added a configurable option to the solusvm package.


    It creates the vps but not the options.


    label Extra IPs

    I am using extra_ips for the name.


    I have three options 


    one   = label    value = 0 price = 0

    two    = lablel   value = 1 price = 2

    three  = label   value = 2 price = 4



  2. Now I cant get it to use the right node. I seen others with that issue. 


    So I created a different node group and assigned the node to it.


    Then when I try to provision from blesta I get this error in activity log.


    Subject: [API Auto Select] - Error! Node ID 1 Disk Calc - Node inc needed: 483183820800 Limit: 0
    Node ID 1     [NOT ENOUGH FREE MEMORY]    Only -8000MB Free, 1024MB is needed
    No free nodes found in group MainNode
  3. Ok I followed the guide for install. I added api access for my sites ip. 

    have id and key which I added to the solusvm module.


    But when trying to add a package I am getting errors in the log.


    Input Success

    Out Put Failed
    <status>error</status><statusmsg>Invalid ipaddress</statusmsg>
    Now if I uncheck Ip checking in solusvm admin it works fine. 
    Now on further checking I have two ips on the server its cpanel that there are two ip addresses
    I have assigned the domain I am using the second one for dedicated ip. its resolving to that ip.
    But if in solusvm if I put the IP not assigned it works fine.
    If I ping my domain from the solusvm server I get the second IP.
  4. Well then the support manager if its installed isn't there at all no support options.


    I had to reinstall the server for solusvm and change my vps with install so its a new one.

    Earlier it worked fine. I am going to reinstall cpanel again cause it kept freezing I think

    it messed something up.


    If it was installed isn't there uninstall button?

  5. Is there a guide for setting up addon ip's for virtualizor. On the wiki they have on their site 

    doesn't show the add on procedure.


    I can't get it to work do you need to name the ip field something special?

  6. theres no transactions in stripe control panel. but in the logs you can see its sending xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    for the number.


    also when you have stripe enabled if you just put the order in the cart nothing else it sets up the account.


    It shows no open invoices.


    also it shows as error transactions not declined

  7. I am getting weird errors and unexpected issues with stripe.


    I get this error when using a card.

    Your card was declined.

    The payment gateway returned an error when processing the request.


    I have gotten the Live Secret Key and put that in the gateway settings have usd enabled

    as that is what my site uses. 


    Now what happens is when it declines it shows as an error charge under invoice.

    But it automatically sets up the account. 

    I checked the logs and its sending xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for cc and exp here is part of log as 

    I don't want to put private stuff. 

    But next to the input it says success and output it says fail.


    input success


    a:3:{s:6:"amount";i:799;s:8:"currency";s:3:"usd";s:4:"card";a:10:{s:6:"number";s:16:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";s:9:"exp_month";s:2:"xx";s:8:"exp_year";s:4:"xxxx";s:4:"name";s:11:"kevin";s:13:"address_line1";s:17:"2709 ";s:13:"address_line2";s:7:"Apt ";s:11:"address_zip";s:5:"80910";s:13:"address_state";s:2:"CO";s:15:"address_country";s:3:"USA";s:3:"cvc";s:3:"xxx";}}
    output - error
    a:1:{s:5:"error";a:4:{s:7:"message";s:23:"Your card was declined.";s:4:"type";s:10:"card_error";s:4:"code";s:13:"card_declined";s:6:"charge";s:27:"ch_169OlBKG7OKSskFU7pEZncFA";}}
  8. I wait a while but I have a ssh shell open and i run my cron job and it shows successful.


    I checked the logs and everything is ok.


    For the payment  I added funds with in house credit option. I then order the package.


    I pay with the in house credits and the invoice goes from pending to closed and shows that i paid the full amount.


    also Provision Paid Pending Services under automation has a spinning disk beside it.

  9. I don't understand what you mean Billing > Orders

    In the client area it shows the order as pending and if i push the activate it creates the vps.

    Does it not do in house credits auto? I just don't understand how this just won't work. 

  10. Ok I checked all that and everything is ok can cron working ok. 


    I think its not setting to active because when i manually activate it in the control panel I get error

     Could not load the server data - API CALL ERROR 
    So it has to be the virtualizor module issue so I posted over on their support forums about that error.
    Because I followd their directions and put the key and key pass in correctly.
    I really want to get this all working the look is nice compared to whmcs
  11. no the free product thing is just for thing is just for testing purposes to make sure it provisions

    the virtualizor vps servers i guess i can try and apply the in house credit and test the setup function.

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