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Posts posted by Fantasma

  1. Having the software make a massive decision such as this, FOR the customer -- with no notice at all! -- is beyond your scope of power or almost incredulous pushing to do things a certain way that is an nonconformity to what 99% of your market expects should happen.. 

    A simple "Should Primary Account Holder Continue to Receive Billing Related Alerts?" YES/NO -- would solve this bug.

  2. For the record:


    "It is not fun sitting on the forum and look for solutions. This is a business not a game."




    I knew from the beginning, He gathered toys (money) and fled. Like a Child ;) BLOG module from Licensecart = Modulesbakery


    Maybe if you had paid him more, he wouldn't have to close down due to lack of revenue/profit.

    Or maybe you are one of those people who gets money handed to them after a quick 10 minute rendezvous, 6 times a day and that $, takes care of your twinkies, the rent, and your internet and you spend the rest of your day and night programming software for people for free?

  3. How does ubersmith allow these to be configured?  I can see this as being useful, and the information could be displayed in a tooltip or other information section depending on the order template.


    During creation of order form... you can select to enable a tooltip for each one, and you input the data there at the order form creation wizard.

  4. If you add a secondary contact, that you then give permission to be able to access Invoices (and/or perhaps other permissions), invoice creation notification emails only get sent to that person, instead of both primary contact and the secondary contact you also gave permissions to billing for.


    Yes, this is a bug.

    NO, do not try and say that "you gave this person permission to view and work with a certain part of your account, that OBVIOUSLY MEANS you dont need access or email alerts anymore!"

    No dream-land logic or round-about excuses please.

  5. Who said steal code? I said integrate. 

    NOC-PS has an publicly published and advertised API provided for this exact reason -- integration of NOC-PS into other software/modules.


    The NOC-PS module isnt worth $.50 cents without having NOC-PS license and service.

    I don't think Max would mind if someone integrated NOC-PS into another module and by doing so, actually gave NOC-PS a much stronger business case for anyone who isnt a customer yet, to go over to Max and start paying him or those who are currently customers, a strong case for them to remain such.


    The NOC-PS module is integrating back into NOC-PS via the API exactly the same way.

  6. Any thought given to integrating this module with the NOC-PS module? or taking the functions available in the NOC-PS module and putting them in yours so that a customer of NOC-PS could also get your features and awesomeness?


    This would give your Server Module the ability to reboot via PDU or IPMI, OS (Re)Installs, Rescue Boot Mode, Bandwidth Usage Graphs, etc if the user is also a customer of NOC-PS.

  7. What if we did the following:


    If there are no past due invoices, show the same message we do now, but instead of yellow make the box blue (Not urgent).


    If there are one or more past due invoices, show the box yellow (as it is now) and display two buttons.



    Something along those lines.. so that, if there are any past due invoices, the client can see the total due, and the total past due, and make a decision about which they want to pay.




    Works great for me!!

  8. Seems risky and a lot of work if you do update in the future.


    Why not just make a script which would make the modifications to the database you have done and use vqmod to edit the core files? (I really don't expect you to do this as you have finished your project already it is just a suggestion for the future if you ever do need to upgrade the system)


    This is a problem when dealing with Blesta. SO many things missing or not functioning as expected from better systems (ubersmith) that I see I am not the only one planning on completely stopping any further updates to Blesta and basically forking into my own custom edition of something that cant really be called "Blesta" anymore as too many mods to work for company requirements have been made.

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