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Everything posted by timnboys

  1. I fully recommend using the REMI packages they seem to have included the mailparse extension with there php extensions which makes it 100% more easier to build up a new vm with blesta on it.
  2. I hope so, this is the only reason I updated everyone since I am like everyone else hoping v4.3 comes along and removes this manual editing requirement for this(this is just to help people achieve the same effect until then).
  3. just to update everyone the lines have changed a bit in blesta v4.2 plugins/support_manager/models/support_manager_tickets.php Add after Line 300: where("support_tickets.status", "!=", "on_hold")-> Add after Line 1200: 'on_hold' => $this->_("SupportManagerTickets.status.on_hold"), the rest is the same as above in op.
  4. I fixed the bug by doing this in direct_admin_api.php: 'suspendUser' => array('POST','','CMD_API_SELECT_USERS',array('suspend'=>'Suspend','location'=>'CMD_API_SELECT_USERS')), 'unsuspendUser' => array('POST','','CMD_API_SELECT_USERS',array('suspend'=>'Unsuspend','location'=>'CMD_API_SELECT_USERS')), from: 'suspendUser' => array('POST','','CMD_API_SELECT_USERS',array('suspend'=>'Suspend','location'=>'CMD_SELECT_USERS')), 'unsuspendUser' => array('POST','','CMD_API_SELECT_USERS',array('suspend'=>'Unsuspend','location'=>'CMD_SELECT_USERS')), that was likely a oversight on the blesta dev's part but is actually easily to fix as shown above, since directadmin's api information here: http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=807 states the default CMD_SELECT_USERS will not return the standard json api response like the module is expecting, CMD_API_SELECT_USERS does return the standard json api response and therefore it works finally, tried to find the module on github to submit a pull request to apply this patch to module but didn't find it so thought would just post it here instead. thanks to @Doctrine for providing the directadmin panel to patch the issue and make sure it works. information redacted for security reasons.
  5. read the below, it shows why that isn't the correct command.
  6. that is what I was getting at.
  7. looks like a api issue, possibly just needs to be patched to support any newer api directadmin is using maybe? since usually api's aren't supposed to output html like that. I can try patching it for you and post it here for you, though do note I don't use directadmin and therefore won't be able to test it for you, since at best would be following directadmin's api guides and hope it works. after further investigation it looks like it isn't logging into directadmin api as seen by this header? <title>DirectAdmin Login</title>
  8. that is what I was told by blesta for a dcim module like hostbill 50k like I or anyone else for that matter have that money lol so I decided instead to make it myself. though I haven't and don't use directadmin so I am not aware of it's problems though if you are willing to "sponsor" the panel and required licenses,etc to make a better module I could possibly easily do so for you as the usually the way I usually do module development like this is the person wanting the module basically provides all required "stuff"(like the panel there wanting the module made for,etc) and once the module is done the person who "sponsored" the development of the module gets a owned license free for the module and it is then put up for sale on cubedata's site at normal pricing. though since this is PauloV's thread pm me since I don't want to detract from his thread though.
  9. I know it is a different plugin to the cms but it is something that I thought was missing to start with since if you have the cms but no forum you are missing something important in my opinion considering not every host wants to have a external forum to have to work out SSO with blesta for especially if you are using your cms mike as I have found out with modx integrating SSO with blesta is harder than it looks and at this point would rather just have it all integrated and not have to build custom SSO bridges,etc to make modx and blesta talk to each other. since with the cms and this forum plugin it would share logins with blesta and therefore make SSO(single sign on) even easier which is why I said at this point I am looking for easy solutions not having to build both a modx plugin for SSO to integrate sharing logins between modx<->blesta.
  10. great! this means I can move back to blestacms soon to have my own forums I had to move to modx for.
  11. timnboys


    that is already implemented in my module though since I implemented all "useful" api functions of centovacast in it.
  12. okay great, would be looking forward to beta test or get the plugin on release because I would like to pair blestacms and blestaforums together and move back from modx lol
  13. that is sounding like you are looking for a way to rewrite the url so for example if announcements is forum id one it shows as {blestaroot}/plugin/blestaforums/forum/1/ correct? if so that sounds like some sort of route or rewrite you would have to tell blesta about. I would recommend in your forum controller php file mike to put what cyandark showed in your index function as such: class Forum extends MyPluginController { ..... public function index() { if (!empty($this->get[0]) && is_numeric($this->get[0])) { $page_id = $this->get[0]; } else { $page_id = 1; } // Load forum model Loader::loadModels($this, ['MyPlugin.ForumsFunctions']); // Get forum page $forum = $this->ForumsFunctions->getForum($page_id); } .... } put the above in your index function for your forum controller and yes it will show up with the structure you want in the url. eg this structure: http://awesomecompany.com/client/plugin/my_plugin/forum/1/ that would get the forum id 1 as shown in the example url like you want. do note the .... is to be your existing code don't copy the .'s please they have no real purpose other than being a placeholder for your other code.
  14. seems to be 404 error to me, you might want to check your php error log to verify it isn't a php syntax error.
  15. that sounds like what I did similar to that in my vultr module to grab the saved plan from the db to be selected by default in the dropdown select box on editing a package I would "fish" the code out I used to do that but I don't think it is relevant to what mike is trying to do since he wants to do exactly as you described @cyandark because mine was for a module this is probably in relation to mike's blestaforums plugin.
  16. did you apply the patch for php 7.1 in the install files? as the white screen is likely ioncube stating to you php 5.6 encoded files doesn't work on php 7.1. as I run my dev instance off IIS on 2012R2 so I know the tricks of how you have to configure IIS to make it work with blesta.
  17. you have got me interested mike, this is something I felt like was missing so you could use both blestacms + a forum on blesta as well integrated with blesta+blestacms so I would like to be a beta tester as well or buy the license when it comes out if it isn't too expensive.
  18. hopefully it works fine for you haven't heard anymore ticket replies so maybe I fixed it finally lol
  19. your license has already been issued to your account in my blesta. @MineHarvest66 I sent you a pm asking if you was in my blesta or not as it is kinda hard to issue licenses to non existing accounts
  20. that is sad to hear everyone is having to move back to the dark side of whmcs or some other panel because of domain manager features not being added yet. this is sad though since I would hate to see everyone having to find other options
  21. I would hope yes, because it would be easier for my colocation module planned as stated in my club to be finished to do the cron tasks inside the module to run cron tasks to retrieve snmp entries from a switch/router than to have to build a extra plugin just to do the cron tasks.
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