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Posts posted by lolgc1

  1. I got so far now:

    $response = $api->get("payments", "getBuildProcess", array('contact_info' => array('id' => $brugerinfo->contact_id, 'client_id' => $client_id, 'user_id' => $brugerinfo->user_id, 'contact_type' => 'email', 'contact_type_id' => 1, 'first_name' => $brugerinfo->first_name, 'last_name' => $brugerinfo->last_name, 'title' => $brugerinfo->title, 'company' => $brugerinfo->company, 'address1' => $brugerinfo->address1), 'amount' => 5, 'currency' => 'dkk', 'invoice_amounts' => array(249), 'options' => array('description' => 'description', 'return_url' => 'return_url', 'recur' => array('start_date' => $today, 'amount' => 30, 'term' => 1, 'period' => "month"))));


    I get

    stdClass Object
        [paypal_payments_standard] => Array
                [0] => 


    Its just blank?

  2. Hi.

    I want to create the link for a invoice, the paypal link, i tried something but i have no clue if its even the right function

    $response = $api->get("services", "getBuildProcess", array('contact_info' => array('client_id' => $client_id), 'amount' => 1000, 'currency' => 'DKK', 'invoice_amounts' => array(349)));


    I get

    stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => The requested resource does not exist. [response] => ) )

  3. Nvm, i need to get the link for the invoice now, so i can pay it. How?

    I got:

    $response = $api->get("services", "getBuildProcess", array('contact_info' => array('client_id' => $client_id), 'amount' => 1000, 'currency' => 'DKK', 'invoice_amounts' => array(349)));


    No clue if its even the right function


    I get

    stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => The requested resource does not exist. [response] => ) )

  4. Hi.

    i want to generate an invoice, i currently have the code below, but it doesnt work.

    $today = date("Y/m/d");
    $response = $api->get("invoices", "createFromServices", array('client_id' => $client_id), 'service_ids' => array(181), 'currency' => 'DKK', 'date_due' => date("Y/m/d"), 'allow_pro_rata' => false, 'services_renew' => true);



    Im trying to generate the invoice and then generate the link to pay for the invoice

  5. Hi.


    I tried to add a invoice for a service but no success. Ive tried for like 1 hour now and cant get a solution.


    $client_id = 15;

    $service_id = 181;

    $today = date("Y-m-d");

    $response = $api->get("invoices", "add", array('vars' => array('client_id' => $client_id, 'date_billed' => $today, 'date_due' => $today, 'date_closed' => $today, 'date_autodebit' => $today, 'status' => 'active', 'currency' => '208', 'note_public' => 'Public note', 'note_private' => 'Privat note', array($service_id,'Desc', 1,1,0), 'period' => 'month', 'duration' => 'indefinitely', 'duration_time' => '1', 'recur_date_billed' => $today, 1)));


    Does anyone know why it doesnt work? :)

  6. Hi.


    I have pretty much the understanding of the API but i have a problem with this.

    $response = $api->get("SupportManager.SupportManagerTickets", "addReply", array($ticket_id, array('client_id' => $client_id, 'details' => 'dab')), false);

    I get "Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default value" and i dont see why, the required fields are filled?

  7. Idk how to get the session "blesta_id".


    Can you give an example of how to recieve the username, ill continue on working on it because we need more information, i understand things very well when i get an example.

  8. Im working on a custom code, on the front page index.php is my front-end page and backend is /customer/ where blesta is installed.

    So i want to get the username if the signed in user from blesta on the index.php page.


    Im using blesta 4.2.1.

  9. Hi Blesta Forums!


    So my question is, how can i get the username of a signed in user?

    In public_html/index.php i want to get the signed in user from public_html/customer/ (Blesta installation)


    How can i do this?

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