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Posts posted by skibum

  1. Hi, I literally spent weeks thinking the logging functionality was broken.


    When you are in the admin gui, and go to tools -> logs, I think it's really confusing(and a VERY easy fix).


    Here's an example -- if you look at "Modules" (assuming you have one, if not choose "Gateways" or something else).


    If you click on the anchor text for the "Name" of the log item(e.g. "Stripe in Gateways"), it takes you to the stripe management page(e.g. /admin/settings/company/gateways/manage/1/).


    I have literally clicked this hundreds of times trying to figure out where the logs actually were!!!


    By accident, I clicked in the blank space.. and there was a collapsible div with the log data. Simply adding a font awesome expander icon in the blank space would help(e.g. http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/3.2.1/icon/expand/ or http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/3.2.1/icon/expand-alt/ or http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/3.2.1/icon/arrow-down/).


    Alternatively(I think this makes more sense), change the destination link for the anchor text to expand and show the logs, and add a (configure) link next to it that goes to the manage step.


    Just a suggestion -- this was extremely frustrating for me and I really thought it was a bad product and the logging wasn't functional.



  2. Hi,

    I'm trying to figure out the best way to get to a short and sweet checkout process.


    By default, the wizard steps are cumbersome for my needs:
    1) /order/main/packages

    Select Package(Can skip via advice at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Order+System#OrderSystem-LinkingtoOrderPages)


    2) /order/config/index

    This step is really unnecessary for my purposes - would prefer to skip or pass as a hidden field and combine with step 3.


    3) /order/cart/index (Create Account)

    This is the register/login portion of the signup process. It's actually two form submits -- once you submit user information, the form is updated with ajax, and you have to click submit again to "Checkout & Pay"


    4) /order/cart/index (Checkout & Pay)

    Counting the second form submit from the /order/cart/index as step 4


    5) /order/checkout/index

    Credit Card & Payment


    What I'd like to do is create a one-step(single form submission) form with minimal friction:

    - Deep link to a single product(pre-configured with hidden fields or skip the "config" step all together)

    - email

    - name

    - credit card information


    I've successfully edited the view templates and removed a lot of fields, put the "use email as username" as a hidden field, moved the password to a session-generated hidden field(emailed to user).


    The current result is a lot less required form data, but a lot of redundant steps. I haven't been able to find any examples of a single-step checkout form.


    I just wanted to ask for the "best practice" way to integrate an order form like this in Blesta.


    Thanks in advance for any help.

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