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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. use the parallel module released by blesta staff , may help for that .
  2. Some of what you request is already done . and that depend in the registrar modules . some module has option and others not yet .
  3. +1 that will liberate some time of MR PauloV then he will bring us new FREE CONTENT
  4. some modules need some improve , if they are as addons, then they should get the ip/domain from the main package the same case if you use softacolous , addons of cpanel( Manage2 module) , dedicated SSL , ect ....
  5. yes , maybe a disable button after click should be a solution .
  6. portugal miss a googd playmaker , like DECO and RUI CUSTA in somedays . CR7 is a good player , but he lonely can't do anything , the team should have a other good players also to make the revolution i think Brazil , Germany , Netherland has the chance to win this worldcup .
  7. soon i will update it , i have 2 task to finish now admin tools plugin admin notes widget plugin
  8. The best is to allow as select wich one we want to sell .
  9. this feature will be in my next admin tools plugins .
  10. Please add your vote to this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2650-order-form-change-language/
  11. Please add your vote to this thread , we have already made feature request for that . http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2650-order-form-change-language/
  12. Look Great . but it hs some Wrong font size in the footer (IE10) 1 Unlimited Emails 2 Multiple Domains 3 Free Mysql Databases 4 Free Shared SSL The second Thing is the prices , i thing is just a sample prices ?!!
  13. we have semilaire case for this, we provide to every reseller a 2 dedicated ip . every time we need to send a separate email about theier ips . a best approuch ip to allow us to add DNS and thier IP (reverse) .that should be good . i have not yet tested this in V3 , but what was in mine mind the Option Modules ( like minecraft ) .
  14. i prefer if you can devide the tab into 2 part , part for blesta and part for models . like the mickey exemple .
  15. +1 , but it should be optional under settings . or make it alternative if the user laready exist .
  16. Blesta Addons


    Hello es , of course the same thing in blesta . you need to install the registrar module n setup it . then create the packages , then setup the order form . That all
  17. try to change the tmp directory in php.ini ? and make it under the user account .
  18. Thanks PaulV for your response , maybe the same case i have also , but i have stopped working with it a more than year now , so i have thouch maybe there are something new : ) Yes, is a new great panel for provisioning , NOT yet tested . For linux , i can't swith from Proxmox ; we have a long time using it and we are very satisfied with it . what i was curios to know is the windows VPS, i know about licences and physical , the probleme is the price of Datacenter edition , about 130€ a mounth ( in 1 year is 1500€ , you need at least 40 VMS (40€ price minimum ) to not run in a losed adventures ) , also for our experience more than 30 vps in one server is too much . i prefere paying licence by licence than the datacenter edition , i know there are a contract for than with a partner with microsoft , but in our country there are no one , i should search in europe or usa . The second thing is i searching for a solution to make me create a RDP account (windows users) Auto , WebsitePanel can't do this , i heared that is posible with plesk and windows , but i have not found any realistic review or tutorial for this . maybe plesk 12 can do this ?!!!
  19. How you provisionning VM in Hyper-V ? what about licences for windows VM ?
  20. you use root or reseller login in blesta ? if you use reseller, you chould check if the reseller has the modify account checked in reseller center . have you tried to upgrade/downgrade package ? does it work or the same error ?
  21. anyone has a confirmation for plesk 12 in windows , allow creation of just users woth RDP access ?
  22. add a setting enable/disable to allow Generate PDF with digital signature , option to upload a crt certificate file . also option to allow it for proforma or not .
  23. is there any no utf8 caractere in the service field or the client info (name/email/ ... ) ? also check the welcome email template for some strange caractere before Hi {cont....
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