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Blesta Addons

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Posts posted by Blesta Addons

  1. are you ordering a free domain or just test domain ?


    also this can occur when you add a domain that not exist in your reseller club domains . maybe you have set a domain to test with no provisioning and the domain is not registred in your account .

  2. I would like to have the ability to override the default system information tab in modules.  I have currently modified my version of Blesta to allow me to override it with a specific named tab.  It would be nice if this was a default feature in blesta so that I would not have to modify Blesta code when building modules.

    this has a relation with attaching modules to each others ?

  3. i want to share with the community my modified cpanel module .

    UPDATED TO 2.1.1 and now compatible with blesta 3.2.1


    this module is based to the core cpanel module , this modification to files only , no database change , if you do'nt like it delate it and upload the core module .

    this module has :

    - some extra info account summary ;

    - new tab for clients , that they can change thier cpanel password ;

    - new tab for logins , client can now log to cpanel/webmail/phpmyadmin/whm -just for resellers)

    this feature may exist in the extended cpanel module, but this one for who don't need to move from the core module .

    i will try to add more options next time .

    to install just upload the cpanel folder to the modules folders and ovveride the the old one .

    any suggestion/bug report it here .



    you can download from the github reposity


    enjoy :)

  4. Hello

    i'm adding some usefull task to the cpanel module , now when i make a post and the result is succcess it show 'The data was successfully updated.' with the same tab , but if there is a probleme/error , it show it in the first tab 'information tab' , how i can forse the result to be shown in the same tab ?

  5. Hello all

    i want to share my logicbox modified modules with you .

    the module is the same as the core module , i just added some featuring code to avoid the imported domains problemes .

    for domains imported there is no order-id and ns fields , so there is no possiblity to change the name servers and settings .

    so , my module get the order-id and affiche it in the admin edit interface , it need just a update click to update the domains flieds .

    i also added the tabs nav .

    i'm searching now a way to make the fields updated auto when the admin or the client enter the manage domains .

    question for dev , how i can push update to databse inside getAdminEditFields function ?

  6. The domain plugin belongs to CORE-818. I've added a note to the task regarding domain privacy. The plugin would likely give the client the ability to disable and re-enable privacy protection as is often necessary (when purchasing an SSL certificate that requires verification for example). The price and ability to purchase the privacy protection would likely be set up through a configurable option, and the module / plugin would provision it automatically.

    NOTE :in some registrar using the same platteforme , the protection privacy is free and included in the management of the domain !!!

    so take this in your consediration .

  7. a just see this topic, is the licence module has it own php class to integrate with our scripts/modules ? or we need to write our own way to check the licence ?

    this module is multi-company ? we can get 1 licence and install and use it for multiple companies ? is there a limit for licence issued ?

  8. This feature is important , specially in tickets .

    and if the client stay in the page , an ajax request to fetch new reply every X minutes and show a popup box notify with new response available will be the best of the best .(something like the gmail notice )

    also for admin in backoffice , for example , if the admins/moderators are logged , when a new ticket or new reply by cleint , it show theme a popup message about this new ticket will be the best of the best (something like the push messages of andriod and ios devices).

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