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Posts posted by msorri

  1. Hi.

    When I try to call the Packages\Edit function through the API, it fails with the following error:

        "response": null,
        "error": {
            "name": {
                "empty": "Please enter a package name."
            "email_content[0][lang]": {
                "empty": "Please enter a language."
            "pricing[0][currency]": {
                "format": "Currency code must be 3 characters."

    Here's my code which calls the API:

    	public function deactivatePackage($id = null)
            global $blestaapi;
            $response = $blestaapi->put("packages", "edit", array("package_id" => $id, "vars" => array("status" => "restricted")));
            $responseParsed = array("response" => $response->response(), "error" => $response->errors());
            return $responseParsed;


    I'm quite confused, because it seems that I call the Packages\Add function because it complains about the missing options that are a optional in Packages\Edit but not in Packages\Add.

  2. Hi!

    So, I've been trying to install Blesta 2.5 to my server now. I have a valid license from Licensecart. The problem is, that the license doesn't validate. "Your license is invalid or may have expired."

    (Why? For fun.)



  3. 4 minutes ago, AnthonyL said:

    It's a good idea. Just make sure you're allowed to do this with your merchant agreement. For example, Visa, Mastercard, Amex specifically say you aren't allowed to add extra charges if a person pays via credit card vs debit card. The flip side is that you ARE allowed to offer discounts to people who pay via debit / cash. 

    So just be sure about this before implementing it, if Blesta gets it done :) 

    Yea, that part is under control. Got to be manual processing these as usual then.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Paul said:

    What do you mean exactly? Charge a 15% surplus on top of the cost, for using a particular gateway? Unfortunately Blesta can't do that right now. It has come up a couple times, and I think it would be pretty cool. Some people might offer a discount for using Bitcoin for example.

    Charge 15% extra of the order when using a specific payment gateway. (Stupid Paysafecard and their extra charges...)

  5. 4 minutes ago, Licensecart said:

    Check the paypal payment on your account is it pending? They will warn you never to issue a server yet until it's active and that's a PayPal security check. You can phone them up about it.

    I dont understand. Do you mean that the payment is pending in PayPal?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Paul said:

    Blesta will send along the correct IPN URL when a payment is made from Blesta. Setting the IPN URL in PayPal seems to the the only way to RE-ENABLE IPN, if PayPal disables it from failed attempts.

    So, the question is: Is the customer making payment through Blesta? ie, clicking the PayPal button to pay during checkout? And if so, is IPN enabled in PayPal?

    Lastly, you might check your HTTP logs to see if there are any POST requests from PayPal's IPN, and look at the gateway log in Blesta - Tools > Logs > Gateway.

    Making payment through Blesta.

    IPN enabled by using instructions above.

    There is a POST request from PayPal Sandbox.

    The gateway log shows something strange.

    a:32:{s:3:"cmd";s:16:"_notify-validate";s:19:"transaction_subject";s:0:"";s:12:"payment_date";s:25:"10:45:56 Aug 25, 2016 PDT";s:8:"txn_type";s:10:"web_accept";s:9:"last_name";s:11:"facilitator";s:17:"residence_country";s:2:"US";s:14:"pending_reason";s:10:"unilateral";s:9:"item_name";s:12:"Lasku #7, #8";s:13:"payment_gross";s:0:"";s:11:"mc_currency";s:3:"EUR";s:12:"payment_type";s:7:"instant";s:22:"protection_eligibility";s:10:"Ineligible";s:11:"verify_sign";s:56:"AdkuYn3XEjHH-3KOoQu2LfjEXTYbA7aPOWTCjiPd6euZZBEnUko4iZ32";s:12:"payer_status";s:8:"verified";s:8:"test_ipn";s:1:"1";s:3:"tax";s:4:"0.00";s:11:"payer_email";s:32:"[[censored]]";s:6:"txn_id";s:17:"8PJ60924U2758014J";s:8:"quantity";s:1:"1";s:14:"receiver_email";s:18:"[[censored]]";s:10:"first_name";s:4:"test";s:8:"payer_id";s:13:"4DZZV93UCFLXA";s:11:"item_number";s:0:"";s:19:"payer_business_name";s:29:"test facilitator's Test Store";s:15:"handling_amount";s:4:"0.00";s:14:"payment_status";s:7:"Pending";s:8:"shipping";s:4:"0.00";s:8:"mc_gross";s:4:"8.00";s:6:"custom";s:15:"12=4.00|13=4.00";s:7:"charset";s:12:"windows-1252";s:14:"notify_version";s:3:"3.8";s:12:"ipn_track_id";s:13:"3858decbc5ba9";}

    What causes this?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Licensecart said:

    Have you set-up the IPN url? That's good for a fallback url even though Blesta posts it automatically to PayPal.

    Umm... What? I'm fairly new to automatic PayPal payments... :D

    The payment registers and Blesta gets the PayPal reference number. (And if it matters, PayPal is in test mode)

  8. 4 minutes ago, Licensecart said:

    May I ask what payment gateway are you using? Is the cron set-up? Is the order form set to Manual provision?

    I use PayPal (Payments Standard), Cron is running correctly at 5 minute intervals, and in the order form manual approval is not checked.


  9. Hi.

    My Blesta doesn't automatically process the payments. The payment and the service stays in Pending, and the invoice stays open. It doesn't matter if I purchase through Universal or Multicraft module. I have to manually credit the customer account, then apply the credits to the invoice, and then activate the service (or wait for cron job). This issue is very strange.


    Thanks in advance for help.

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