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Posts posted by sfchost

  1. We REALLY need this to get this rolling. After the barrage of updates for our "other" software, we've had services not being billed one month and then correctly the next... And now our affiliate payouts are AFU with commissions getting duplicated. 

  2. Ok... How about the Quantum Vault module? Need, obviously, the ability to pay initially (or one-time) via the vault, but to charge same card every payment period. In addition (I had to pay for another module to do this ) is to notify end user what card needs to be updated, and allows both the end user and admin to add/update a credit card both at order time (if order is called in) before an invoice is created (we sometime allow for 10 days grace for competitive wins)...


    Let me know how much need to get this going (or finished) for all of us... 

  3. A good designer is hard to find.


    By good, I don't just mean "makes great designs" but one who can come in on time, on budget and is readily available. 


    Most are so flaky, even the ones who charge "real money" rates. It's sad.


    Amen! Usually the projects starts out good and then it goes south really fast...  All the good ones seems to fall off the planet if you find those... 

  4. Hm... not sure what the problem could be then. The pipe.php file works for me using cPanel. Of course our cPanel account added the hashbang a little differently as #!/usr/local/bin/php -q, but I'm sure that's an OS difference.


    Holy cow! Changing the hashbang did it:


    We have received your request and someone will be looking at it shortly.

  5. I've made a little progress on getting this to work on cPanel... Using the code below (as stated by Cody) and saving the file as pipe_ah.php and setting the permission to 755... 

    #!/usr/bin/php -q
    try {
    	include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php");
    	$argv = array(
    	// Dispatch the Web request
    	if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
    	// Dispatch the CLI request
    catch (Exception $e) {
    	try {
    		// Attempt to raise any error, gracefully
    	catch (Exception $e) {
    		if (Configure::get("System.debug"))
    			echo $e->getMessage() . " on line <strong>" . $e->getLine() .
    				"</strong> in <strong>" . $e->getFile() . "</strong>\n" .
    				"<br />Printing Stack Trace:<br />" . nl2br($e->getTraceAsString());
    			echo $e->getMessage();


    I don't get any errors in the exim_mainlog, but the email is not converted to a ticket (it looks like it vanishes)... also the "allow only clients to open or reply to tickets" is not check... 

    2013-09-19 15:39:11 1VMk49-0007p4-6k => |/home/domain/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe_ah.php (help@domian.com) <help@domain.com> R=virtual_aliases_nostar T=virtual_address_pipe
    2013-09-19 15:39:11 1VMk49-0007p4-6k Completed

    Getting warmer!!! 

  6. We will considered sponsored development for core features, however we will only do those if we already agree that we want to include it. Same really goes for extensions too. We try to prioritize development based on demand, and in all honesty someone willing to part with some cash says a lot about how serious they are about throwing their support behind something. It's possible to have 100 votes for a feature that nobody will really even use but sounds cool. We would rather build the feature that 10 people would actually use than the one 100 people voted for but wont use.


    Is there a customer viewable "road map" so we can see where items such as the Enom and the Quantum Vault Gateway are on the timeline. 

  7. I like the features etc, I can't get it to work at the moment though mate haha, I think it wants to work on the port 2083, which means it won't connect to the WHM API. I need to open a ticket to them about it :)

    I set the port to 2087 and check "use SSL" and it activated with no issues... 

  8. I might be over thinking this, but besides replacing the "default" client files, how do I activate this new theme. Or does it replace the "default" theme... I figured since there is a sub-directory of "default", then moving this theme into the "default_smooth" sub-directory, we could select this template somewhere (kind of like some other app)... 


    How is this handled in multiple companies?


    Without nit picking, the term "theme" seems to refer specifically to a "color theme" (for use in CSS ) vs a "design theme"... 

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