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Posts posted by furioussnail

  1. Hello.

    Not sure where I make the mistake but I get "redirected you too many times" error when setting up a second company. Logs show nothing related to this. My OS is CentOS 7, PHP 7.0.22, Apache 2.4.6. I have the following config in Apache:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
       ServerName cp.example.com

       Redirect permanent / https://cp.example.com/

    <VirtualHost *:443>
       ServerAdmin admin@example.com
       DocumentRoot "/path/to/html"
       ServerName cp.example.com
       ErrorLog "/path/to/error.log"
       CustomLog "/path/to/access.log" common

       <Directory "/">
           AllowOverride None
           Require all granted

       SSLEngine on
       SSLCertificateFile /path/to/certificate/file
       SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/key/file


    Please help me to get this working.

    Thank you.

  2. Hello.

    We are looking into merchant solutions for Blesta and aren't sure which one is a good fit. Currently we are comparing Braintree and Authorize.Net. The feature we need is for the customer to be able to setup their payment method and not be asked for it again as long as the card is valid and has funds on it. Another feature we need is recurring payments.

    What other notable differences are there between these two merchants? Are they both available in Romania?

    Thank you.

  3. Hello.

    Is it possible in Blesta to set custom, individual packages for each customer? For example each customer has particular needs and we give a price based on those needs and bill accordingly. What would be the best approach to offer packages with variable prices?

    Thank you.

  4. Hello.

    I am getting the following errors when editing a package option under "Packages" -> "Options" -> "Edit" on desired option:

    Invalid package option value ID.
    Invalid package option pricing ID.
    Invalid package option pricing ID.
    Invalid package option pricing ID.
    Invalid package option pricing ID.

    I get the errors when I add an additional option and try to save. I set values as increments starting from 1. 1, 2, 3, 4...

    Blesta 4

    OS: Arch Linux

    Browser: Chrome 57.0

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