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Posts posted by coreyman

  1. 38 minutes ago, Paul said:

    PayJunction does not allow web hosting providers? I remember when BluePay pulled this nonsense. I complained, dropped them as someone we recommend, and then they were acquired by someone else. They called me, told me that they no longer block hosting providers, and apologized.. but I can't trust them now. They dropped one of our customers for doing web hosting. That's insane. Web hosting does not equal selling crack. Do you have an email contact at PayJunction?

    I've been dropped by Bluepay as well. I can't remember if it was because I got a charge back or if it was because I was a hosting company. This was in early 2016.

    As far as PayJunction goes I was only ticketing in to support@payjunction.com

    There are two others on your list that are dropping hosting providers as well. 2checkout, and stripe. Granted I still have a stripe account but I am reaching out to them now to confirm. https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/145709/stripe-not-going-to-support-hosting-company-to-get-payment

  2. Blesta's tagline is 'The Billing Platform for Hosting Providers'. I read the manual at https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Gateways and contacted some merchants. This is the response I got back from PayJunction ->




    Unfortunately, we cannot partner with businesses in your category. We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you luck in your business ventures!

    If you have further questions, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Melodie Ghafouri
    PayJunction Support
    800.601.0230 x 1134



  3. 7 hours ago, Paul said:

    You can create manual invoices due in 30 days. If you want to also bill them in 30 days (on the invoice due date) you can configure this. If it conflicts with other billing, create a new client group with these settings for these customers.

    Can we create/generate these invoices via API calls?


  4. We only want clients to be able to add a minimum amount of funds (say $20) to their account from paypal. We were then hoping Blesta would apply this credit to any invoices automatically. Clients should not be able to pay an invoice with paypal directly in our use case.


    Clients should be able to add a credit card via Stripe and be automatically charged for the NET-30 invoice on the due date.


    I'm pretty sure through my research we can charge 'hourly' for a product as well, how would the above scenario fit in with hourly billing?

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