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  1. initd

    Proxmox Module

    That was the plan, yes. I want to sell low bugdet VPS with IPv6 and IPv4 NAT (without a dedicated IPv4) But the Swap is a fixed value for example. It would be perfect if we could add an IPv6-Block (/64, /48,..) to set x IPs per package.
  2. initd

    Proxmox Module

    Mah. No reactions here.
  3. I'm selling my license for 95 USD - bought at licensepal 8/8/2013. (you need an account there)
  4. initd

    Proxmox Module

  5. initd

    Proxmox Module

    Is there a possibility to set the swap size? (It's 256mb at the moment) And it would be nice, when we could add a number of IPv6 per container/package. For example: a package with 256mb ram, 128mb swap, 1-2 IPs and 10 IPv6 or whatever. Auto boot after a reinstall would also be nice. Yep, I feel with you. But you can turn it off until it's "fixed". /components/modules/proxmox/proxmox.php public function getClientTabs($package) { return array( 'tabClientActions' => Language::_("Proxmox.tab_actions", true), 'tabClientStats' => Language::_("Proxmox.tab_stats", true), /*'tabClientConsole' => Language::_("Proxmox.tab_console", true),*/ ); }
  6. initd

    Proxmox Module

    Okay, it was my mistake. I forgot the @pve.
  7. initd

    Proxmox Module

    Don't worry, I've the same issue. Well, i've a node in my node list (Proxmox). But the node list (Blesta) is empty.
  8. initd

    Proxmox Module

    I'll test it.
  9. initd

    Proxmox Module

    Yeah, me too.
  10. initd

    Proxmox Module

    Any updates here?
  11. PHPMail will work without Sendmail installed?
  12. Hi all, I want to use the Blesta mail feature - for support tickets, sending invoices, welcome mails, orders etc. I use at the moment a server with Nginx with PHP5 and MariaDB, without Sendmail or anything else. What do I need to use this feature properly? (PHPmail or SMTP) Any suggestions/Howtos? Thanks in advance
  13. No! The next one is the Promox module!
  14. Great work mate.
  15. Proxmox! But you know that already.
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