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  1. Real sorry, but you're not getting my issue here. Let me try to explain this as simple as possible. BLESTA DEMO. Clients click order They get redirected to order form, where they choose their plan. After choosing their plan, they get to either register/sign in. MY BLESTA INSTALLATION. Clients click order They get redirected STRAIGHT to a sign in page. Unlike the blesta demo, They can't choose their plans, and get redirected straight to a login page.
  2. My clients don't have an account and try to order a plan. They are not logged in but it still requires them to login
  3. How come on blestas demo when u click order it doesn't require you to login? And when you check out it gives u the option to login/register How do I do that?
  4. How do I customize it so on the login page it will say: New User? Click HERE to register.?
  5. Howdy, Basically, On my blesta installation: http://www.frostserve.com/clients It says that: Visit the order form to sign up and purchase new products and services. So If I visit the order forum and try to sign up, it redirects to a login page? Why is this? Thanks
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