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Everything posted by qba82

  1. Bug: Today that bug has repeated again and what is interesting, I totally do nothing till few weeks in blesta and yesterday clients was using Coupons just fine. So today bug appeared because of cron did something or I don't know? I had this issue already in the past. Description: All coupons that was created (all was for percentage amount for term 1 year) seems to work, when You apply it You get discount, BUT on the last screen, when there are pay options, there is no discount and client must pay full price. Solution: To fix bug You must delete coupon and create it again, after that it will work fine, on the end screen in payment options, client see discount and pay lower price like it should. Blesta 4.3.2, php 5.6, centos 7 x64
  2. Solved: outgoing tcp port 2222 was blocked, instead disable firewall I accidentally restarted it
  3. I disabled firewall and still the same, PHP permissions, which are correct? In module log I get: Input is correct Output has Error and only log is: myserverhost.com a:0:{} EDIT: ok I found out that port 2222 is blocked for my vps, I will have to find out why
  4. I moved blesta to vps, now DirectAdmin module can't connect to my server, what might be a problem?
  5. Hi Paul could You please answer pw.
  6. Hi, 3-rd point of installation make blank pages for all blesta installation.
  7. I will pay for simple modification or plugin: select language in product url for example if there is a product: ***************.com/clientarea/order/config/index/shared-hosting/?group_id=1&pricing_id=16 it should be possible to select language for that product, like: ***************.com/clientarea/order/config/index/shared-hosting/?group_id=1&pricing_id=16&lang=fr which will use French translation in this example.
  8. In this thread it says that with this plugin You can change language in url by adding ?set_language=pl_pl is it true? do I have to pay yearly fee to use it or I just have to buy subscription once?
  9. If I buy plugin do I have to pay after 1 year to use it?
  10. How can I order plugin? There is no add to cart or anything like that button....
  11. qba82

    Language in url

    How about direct link to product? Like: *******.com/clientarea/order/config/index/shared-hosting/?group_id=1&pricing_id=3 does Multi-languages Plugin let me make , for example french version of my main page in ********.com/fr/ and french blesta in ********.com/fr/clientarea/ ? There is really no option to make any little modification, so I could just add anything like &lang=fr to product link?
  12. qba82

    Language in url

    Hello, lets say I got url: ********.com/clientarea/order/main/packages/shared-hosting/?group_id=1 I have installed second language, how can I set language in url? ********.com/clientarea/order/main/packages/shared-hosting/?group_id=1&lang=pl this doesn't work.
  13. qba82

    SMTP username problem

    Ok solved, I had www.domain.com instead domain.com in all mail templates...
  14. Hi, I have smtp server, when I send email with thunderbird to email/newsletter tester I get 10/10 points, everything is fine, but when I want to use that smpt in blesta, it send email from mail@www.domain.com, instead mail@domain.com, and of course I get 0/10 and client doesn't get activation emails, where I can set it right?
  15. qba82

    Removing A Package

    I can't delete module because there is server using it, I can't delete server because there is an package using it, I can't delete delete package because service use it, I can't make package inactive because server is already offline, brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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