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Everything posted by BackupAddict

  1. Hello, after inputting details in for ACH it never shows that it was good or not. The system is very clunky and in current for might not be used much as it asks too much for the customer to do. Is there any plans to add Plaid to the mix or something that will auth the user account while on the screen?
  2. I'd what the system to handle that myself. I'm on Windows which I can use ht rules, care not to though.
  3. That's what I mean, don't you think that a tad to remember if typing it in a browser.
  4. Not sure what you mean. I guess I'm used to Idev which has really short links. Mine are domain.com/100.html... that uses redirect though.
  5. How hard would it be to make aff links easier to remember? say ex: domain.com/100.html or something like that.
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