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Posts posted by Gigaion

  1. Bug:

    1. Exchange Rates defaults to 0.000000 if Blesta fails to fetch a currency. This replaces any existing manually entered currency rate.
    2. Occurs on latest versions of Blesta 4.12.3 / v5.0.1
    3. This may affect Blesta on supported ISO currencies assuming it also returns 0.000000 on corrupted returned values from the exchange rates processor.


    1. Visit /admin/settings/company/currencies/active/
    2. Add a new unofficial currency such as BTC (Can be non-crypto).
      1. Set the Exchange Rate to anything other then 0.
    3. Visit /admin/settings/company/currencies/setup/ and click "Update Now"
    4. Visit /admin/settings/company/currencies/active/ to see all non-ISO currencies converted to 0.000000


    1. Instead of setting value to 0.000000 for unsupported ISO, the value should remain unchanged from its original value.

    Use Case:

    1. Digital currencies, Crypto currencies, Gaming currencies, etc.
    2. Custom Payment gateways that make use of digital currencies without involving actual cash (E.g. In game currency purchases that use Blesta for purposes of invoicing and purchases of in-game goods).
  2. This thread has been modified to show that this module is now open source. This code is no longer maintained but now available to the public:



    (Last edit: November 13 2022. This post above has been simplified to show this is now open source instead of closed source)

  3. Just chiming in that I have this similar issue (Since I'd prefer it gets fixed also).
    Cron is setup properly, although once in awhile I end up getting logged out for revalidation.
    The SQL statement run above shows its revalidating once per day, so I believe Tyson is correct that something else seems to trigger forcing a re-validation.


  4. Hello Blesta Community,

    Here's a quick snippet of being able to link directly to configurable options within the AJAX Boxes order forms template:

    Example Link:
    example.com/order/main/packages/EXAMPLE/?..etc-data...&group_id=[Your Group ID]&configoptions[1]=[Option Value 1]&configoptions[2]=[Option Value 2]

    Edit File: /plugins/order/views/templates/ajax/main_packages.pdt

    Add the following code after the "// Process change currency request" portion of the javascript code:

    		// GET URL Variables as associative array 
    		function getURLVars() {
    			var vars = [], hash;
    			var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
    			for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
    				hash = hashes[i].split('=');
    				vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
    			return vars;
    		//Change Config Options in URL: &configoptions[1]=VALUE&configoptions[2]=VALUE...etc
    		$(document).ready(function() {
    				configCount = 0;
    				while (configCount < 10) {
    					var ConfigVar = getURLVars()["configoptions[" + configCount + "]"];
    					if(ConfigVar) {
    						$("#configoption_" + configCount).val(ConfigVar).change();
    			}, 5000);
    			//Secondary call after 10s
    			//This helps resolve issues with coupon codes. Prices would show up correct, but drop downs would show incorrect
    				configCount = 0;
    				while (configCount < 10) {
    					var ConfigVar = getURLVars()["configoptions[" + configCount + "]"];
    					if(ConfigVar) {
    						$("#configoption_" + configCount).val(ConfigVar).change();
    			}, 10000);

    Edit the "configCount < 10" based on how many variables your site requires.

    Please note there is a 5 second delay where it updates the configurable options.
    I'm aware there is probably a better method to do this and I'd love to see the community improve upon this idea by sharing below :)

    (Note: It does seem AJAX Boxes order form does have an issue where you login/create account it blanks out the config options)

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