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Posts posted by mitsos

  1. It was privately developed and development on it has pretty much stopped.


    EDIT: In my "too many things crammed in a small brain" mode, I've missed the post above about someone working on a different ispconfig module. Please ignore my comment about our module.

  2. People were complaining about pro-rata because spending time with auditors or quite possibly spending a few months in a cold cell isn't exactly the same as not being able to register a domain.

    EU is a hellhole for invoicing/transactions. Electronic invoices need to be authenticated (yes, signed with a certificate), not only generated as a PDF. We are looking the other way for now on that, even though the law said all businesses need to implement it by January 1st 2013. "The billing solution we are currently using doesn't implement the signage just yet" isn't a solution that will fly for ever though.

    EU's new VAT law (in effect as of the day after tomorrow, January 1st 2015, VERY few know that) mandates that VAT must be payed in each customer's country, for electronic services (yes that means all of you webhosters). That means keeping track of VAT rates across the EU, and charging clients accordingly. Even *before* the client enters his/her billing address.

    My recommendation is to focus more on the business side (keeping track of required legislation and things needed to be done to be inline with it) than to focus on "features".

    Please, don't get this post wrong. I'm not bashing anyone. I'm just saying that there are far more important things that need to be done first.

  3. This is what I'm trying to do. Now if some could explain how to set the class to those specific <li>s, it would be much appreciated.






    EDIT: no, changing the .css isn't the answer I'm looking for. I don't want to change every pad's lis, just this specific module's lis

  4. I just have another question that I can't seem to figure out on my own. I need to convert the cpanel's module admin add service page to the screenshot shown. Imagine the textfields being replaced by the checkboxes, so that everything is in a single line (row).


    So the line should be a textfield for the domain, and a couple (or more) checkboxes with a label attached to them. I can't manage to attach the label to the checkboxes though. Moving further to the right, there will be a button to add another domain and configure it using the same fields for it too, depending on the number of domains allowed in the service's template.


    Responses in plain english are appreciated (ie dumb the response down). Thanks in advance.


  5. Hi all,


    How can I call a function, capture the resulting array, and work on that array inside the module's manage.pdt file?


    Function is correctly declared in the module's .php file, array is correctly constructed, but I can't seem to figure out how to do the actual call to the function inside the manage.pdt file.


    In the manage.pdt file, the function should be called inside a widget (a different one than the manage module one) and some manipulation should be done on the resulting array.


    Any help is appreciated.

  6. g.sovgut@predictlabs.com add that to the list as well.


    Shady is when you tell them you can't currently offer them a dedicated server, but they reply "ok, when you have more servers please let us know", without you quoting them with a price first.


    Stay away from them.



        private function getPackages($module_row) {
            try {
                $db = $this->DBConnection($module_row->meta->host_name, $module_row->meta->data_base, $module_row->meta->user_name, $module_row->meta->pass_word);
                $query = $this->DBQuery($db);
            catch (PDOException $e) {

  8. I still can't get it to fire up the query.


    A few more details:

    The code snippet is from a module I'm developing for a custom control panel at the-place-that-puts-food-on-the-table. The code is supposed to connect to a remote (keyword, NOT the blesta DB) database (which it does correctly) and execute a select query on the *remote* database (which doesn't work). The query is supposed to return packages for the package creation page, using the remote database for their names/specs.


    I'm basically stuck on this step and don't know how to fix it. Any help is much appreciated.

  9. I can't get a select statement to fire up. Admitedly PHP isn't my strong suit, but I've tried everything I can think of. This function is supposed to return results for creating a new package.


    Here are the related functions:

        private function DBConnection ($host_name, $data_base, $user_name, $pass_word) {
                $db = new PDO ("mysql:host=$host_name;dbname=$data_base", "$user_name", "$pass_word");
        private function getPackages($module_row) {
            if (!isset($this->DataStructure))
                Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("DataStructure"));
            if (!isset($this->ArrayHelper))
                $this->ArrayHelper = $this->DataStructure->create("Array");
            try {
                $db = $this->DBConnection($module_row->meta->host_name, $module_row->meta->data_base, $module_row->meta->user_name, $module_row->meta->pass_word);
                $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Packages");
                $packages = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            catch (PDOException $e) {
            return $packages;        

    Turning on MariaDB's general query log shows the connection going through, but the query isn't executed.


    Please feel free to throw rotten tomatoes if you see a stupid mistake somewhere.


  10. Hi all,


    I'm trying to make a module for a hosting panel, and for the life of me I can't seem to be able to get it to connect to mysql.


    Does anyone have any hints to point me in the right direction?


    Basically I'm trying to pass the "variables" from the module's row (eg a server) to a function to test if the connection to that row (the server) is working.


    Been trying it for a week now. The only progress I've made is no connection to mysqli. The non-progress was a blank page :P


    EDIT: Forgot to say that the actual row is a mysql server. So, the function needs to connect to the module's row, using its variables, over a mysql connection.

  11. All you need to do is open a support ticket with them and tell then both IPs. They will update the license for both. This happened to us earlier this year, and they fixed it very fast.

    Was waiting for a staff to reply, opened the ticket before asking on the forum. All sorted now, thanks blesta crew!


    On a side note, I absolutely LOVE the new look. It's almost as if it was designed as a drop in replacement for the way I theme my install. Instead of manually messing with the css this time, I just changed a couple of colors, and boom, like new!

  12. The ability to change which client template to use has been added for v3.2 in CORE-961.


    You'll always want to keep backups of core template files you modify, and merge them into new releases accordingly. Even if you were using custom templates, you would still need to check them on new releases since data, structure, and language definitions can be added, changed, or removed that has the potential to break things in your templates. The beta releases would be a good time to update your custom templates with these kinds of changes.

    I believe that the best way forward for you as developers, and us as users, is to at least let us edit the themes (and no, that doesn't mean going into all the css files poking around until we see what we need to change) and set up the preference in blesta.


    For this to work, the css files need to be combined, and an option to set X theme as default should be available.

    Maybe we could include local config files that override the defaults, which is an even better option, since that's how all the fast moving software (talking mostly about open source) does it anyway. You have a default settings file, where the software developers do all their stuff. That file checks and includes, at the end usually, a local settings file, in which there are your customizations. Since that file comes after the default one, the default settings are overriden.


    For my use case, the theme I'm applying consist of mainly changing the background color, and the border around the main article. Nothing complicated, but it is something that makes me think twice about upgrading. If the default file included the customizations, then the changes would be carried over without me even thinking about it. The devs get to implement new code, I get to keep my customizations.


    That and anxiously awaiting for a custom header and footer inclusion. One can only hope.

  13. Since I didn't see a forum related to the forum (no pun intended) I'm posting this here.


    Please set up redirect/rewrite for the forum to point to https. People arriving here and clicking the sign in button don't realise that the connection isn't encrypted. Even when on the https site though, the signing in triggers a "to be sent over unencrypted etc...etc..." error.


    In other words, please enable all HTTPS for the forum, no regular version. Defense against this being that it will impose a higher load on the server, are, IMHO, not valid, since the load is minimal.


    Thank you

  14. Hi all,


    Bug 1:

    The namecheap module shows untransferable domains (.us.com for example) as available to transfer when selecting the checkbox to check for availability/transfer

    Bug 2:

    Cannot set separate transfer price for domains. There are some domains that get a discount when being transfered, and these discounts cannot be applied.

    Solution to bug 1 & 2:

    Implement separate transfer pricing. If the price is equal to 0.00 then assume that the domain is not transferable and remove the result from the available transfer results.


    Missing domains:

    The following domains cannot be selected (no checkbox after selecting the module, I assume they were added after the module was created and the options are missing):







    Solution to missing domains:

    Update the module to implement checkboxes for the missing domains.



    "That's all folks"

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