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Everything posted by Reeckz

  1. Hey, I'm a TCAdmin user, if this is still a thing, I'd be more than happy to help you out with some testing
  2. Awesome, thanks! What version of blesta is this? 3.2?
  3. I'm not sure this is a feature already, but I haven't been able to find it so here goes. I'd be great to have a feature that allowed us to simply block all business from certain countries: IE. Brazil / India. Alternatively something like pulling said countries orders out of the automatic queue and leave them for manual review.
  4. Give it a "grace period" of like 1-2 minutes before sending the email. So if it's edited it'll email the edited version. Also it wouldn't affect the need for it. Generally when i receive an email stating you've got a response on ticket id: XYZ I just click the link, I don't bother reading the reply below it.
  5. Currently there's no way to enforce Two-Factor Authentication for staff accounts. The way i see it working: When creating a new staff account, you get the option to force the account to setup two-factor. The on the first login of said staff account he/she is presented with the QR / Key and needs to enter two keys.
  6. I'd be very happy with the ability to edit tickets. I have a bad habit of missing typos when using some sort of editor, so i often don't realize it before hitting the "reply" button. =/
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