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Posts posted by interfasys

  1. I guess it depends on how you communicate in your tickets. If you don't even put your name or are on a first name basis with your service provider, then it doesn't really matter, but if you fill in tickets like letters you write to the support department, you may sign the ticket like a letter and provide additional information like company name, phone number, OS, etc.

  2. I'm getting tired of pasting my signature when I use ticketing systems of various companies and I imagine my clients are too, so I think it could be useful to let them have a permanent signature.

    Just like staff can provide useful information in there, so can clients, if they wish to.


    What does the community think?

  3. This path doesn't look right.  What is your uploads path setting?  Make sure it's the full system path.  (ie. /home/dom.com/uploads/system/)

    Indeed, I only pasted the end of the path





    GeoIP Path



    The upload folder is reachable since I was able to upload a logo there.

  4. I'm not able to add a domain to a client at the moment, logicbox gives me a

    {"status":"ERROR","message":"An unexpected error has occurred"}

    even though, I asked the console not to provision the domain. But from what I understand from your reply, whois management is performed after registration.


    What I'd like to see at registration time are dropdowns

    Registrant: [customer, custom1, etc., new contact]

    Admin contact: [default admin, customer, custom1, etc., new contact]

    Billing contact: [default admin, customer, custom1, etc., new contact]

    Tech contact:  [default tech, customer, custom1, etc., new contact]


    That way a domain is properly configured right from the start, for people hosting with us and adding domain names.

    People who know what they're doing can pick a different existing contact or create a new one.


    I like what I'm hearing about phase 2 and I hope you'll consult with all of us when trying to put it all together. There is not a single billing platform which does it right, although AWBS was quite close last time I checked. It's not too much of an issue if people don't care about whois data and only use a single registrar for all their domain needs, but it's a headache otherwise.

  5. Maybe I've missed something, but I'd like the default language for the client side to be set to French while still being able to manage everything in English on the admin side.


    If I set the default language to French, then I can't find a way to have the admin side in English while, theoretically, clients should be able to switch to English if they prefer to use that language via a language selector I can't see.


    Would it be possible to have a language switcher on the admin side?


    EDIT: Found the selector in the client zone, when the client edits his profile... Should really be a selector so that people who have not registered yet can read the site in the language of their choosing.

  6. In most cases, people who will register domain names with us will want us to manage them as well, which means that the admin and tech contacts will, most of the time, be the same and won't be the ones of the customer.


    So, how about letting us add those contacts in the module section so that they're being offered as standard admin and tech contacts at register/transfer time?


    That would be phase 1.


    Phase 2 would introduce a personal contacts database for domains so that a user could, at registration time, select a contact from a dropdown instead of having to type everything every time or accept to use his account details for every domain contact.


    Having such a database would make it very easy for customers to change their address on every domain they own.


    Every serious domain registrar offers a contacts database and it makes it so much easier to quickly and properly register domains.

  7. When creating a new package, if an error is made, the Module Options fields are reset.
    I had to switch module and back in order to have the options for my server module back.

    1. Create new package
    2. Select Directadmin module
    3. Select a server group
    4. Fill in the rest of the form
    5. Type "mucho" in Term, under pricing
    6. Hit "Create package"

    Expected result

    The form should keep all the fields as they were filled



    The Directadmin Package dropdown, in Module Options, is broken

  8. Instead of having to maintain yet another GeoIP installation, I symlinked the location given by Blesta to the already installed file.


    I get a green box when updating my settings, but Blesta still gives me an error message

    dom.com/uploads/system/GeoLiteCity.dat does not exist.

    My dir listing of uploads/system/

    lrwxrwxr-x  1 cake4me  cake4u    36B Dec  4 23:52 GeoLiteCity.dat -> /usr/local/wildwest/GeoIPCity.dat
  9. We should have something preliminary to test for WHM** by the end of this week. We want to do a HB importer next, but we don't have a copy of the software running and the lack of trial or monthly license makes that difficult. Does anyone have a dev or non-production license they are willing to lend us?


    I might be able to help if nobody else can. I have a dormant setup which you could use in case you don't have access to a dev setup.

  10. We've got to start someplace. All these others will be coming, prior to a 4.0.


    This is a bit of a tangent, but related to time based billing. If manually creating an invoice, you can enter the hourly rate in the amount box, and enter a fractional or decimal quantity.


    For example, if you charge $95/hr and are billing an item for 3hrs and 50 minutes, you can enter 95 for the amount, and 3 50/60 for the quantity and it will do the math for you.

    I would want to deduct from the amount of credits/minutes the customer has purchased.


    So this is what would show up in the invoice:

    -30m for "CMS one-click install", deducted from "180m support package". 150m remaining for future support requests.

    Thank you for your customs.


    Customers would know how much was used, what for and what's left.

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