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Everything posted by Cody

  1. Actually, date("c") is the best option. See API > Timestamps.
  2. See this thread in the market place forum.
  3. Duplicate of this thread. Please continue discussion there.
  4. This plugin allows you to upload files to a particular client's account. It also adds a navigation link called "Documents" in the client interface, which displays all files uploaded to that client with a link to download each. Special thanks to PointPub Media for sponsoring this plugin. Minimum Requirements: Blesta 3.1+ client_documents_1.0.3.zip
  5. We're currently looking for developers that would like to test the License Manager Plugin and License Module. Email sales and mention this thread to add your name to the list.
  6. Cody

    Whm Api Integration

    WHMCS happens to work because it's still using the old XML API. Everyone else is using the JSON API since that's what cPanel recommends. It's only a matter of time before cPanel stops supporting the XML API altogether.
  7. By multiple accounts do you mean multiple logins? As in two or more users can log in with separate credentials to the same client account? Currently Blesta does not support the ability for multiple users to log into the same client account (also known as contact log ins). However we have plans to include that in a future release.
  8. Cody

    Whm Api Integration

    Why in the world they would create their own cPanel API wrapper makes no sense to me. But since they don't support JSON, it's likely they don't support other features of the cPanel API as well. We have no plans of supporting the XML API.
  9. X-Forwarded-For is the defacto/proposed standard for this very purpose.
  10. Cody

    Migrating From 2.5

    Looks like you have one or more clients or contacts that have no country set. Try running the following queries on your Blesta 2.5 database before importing: UPDATE contacts SET c_country='USA' WHERE c_country=''; UPDATE users SET u_country='USA' WHERE u_country='';
  11. That is the intended and current behavior. The email address "belongs" (with respect to tickets) to the oldest added contact. We don't enforce a limitation on email addresses for contacts. My point is simply that to allow email aliases (as opposed to contacts) would require the enforcement of uniqueness across all email addresses since this would introduce ambiguity. BTW, are you taking advantage of the copy contact option? If so, it really ought not to take any longer than it would to add an additional phone number.
  12. Looks like a solution now exists: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1898-multi-company-login/
  13. My concern with this is the association of a given email address with multiple different client accounts. If the point of this is to associated a ticket with a client, it's a huge security risk to allow any one email addresses to be associated with two or more different clients. You would necessarily have to make email addresses unique, system wide, which would cause more limitations than problems it would solve.
  14. Cody

    Whm Api Integration

    Blesta uses the JSON API when communicating with cPanel. This is the preferred method according to cPanel. From: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/SoftwareDevelopmentKit/XmlApi I would suggest you point your host to this and tell them to enable JSON API support. I'm actually amazed it can be disabled.
  15. I'd suggest posting a feature request. Obviously we'd need much more information on what it is you're trying to do here so we can look into where the event would need to located and what it would allow. Also, we have plans to introduce an event to set html (including javascript) into the structure of each page. This would allow a plugin to modify the DOM using javascript and do all kinds of crazy things.
  16. Why not just use $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], as that is the variable for the X-Forwarded-For header and requires no user configuration in Blesta?
  17. Moved to feature request. We're open to suggestions, but our stance has always been this: It's generally always a bad idea to modify an invoice that's already been created, especially if it's already been delivered to the client, most especially if there has already been payments applied to the invoice. If we think of invoices as contractual agreements, it's only logical that we don't allow modifications except through amendments. It follows then that the proper solution is to credit the customer for the $12 to pay off the original invoice, then issue a new invoice for the $12 they still owe. Obviously it's easier just to change a due date, but this method follows better accounting practices. In the long run, however, you might just be better off billing them for the domain on a different date than their regular monthly bill, so it shows up as a separate invoice.
  18. Assuming this has been resolved. If the issue persists feel free to open a new bug report.
  19. Cody

    Migrating From 2.5

    To debug update /plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/blesta/2.5/blesta2_5.php. From: //echo $e->getMessage(); //echo $e->getTraceAsString(); To: echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTraceAsString(); die; Then rerun the import on a fresh version 3 database. Paste all of the output here.
  20. Did you make the change I suggested? If so, there's no way you could receive the same exact error as the code would not have executed that far.
  21. You have one or more contacts in your WHMCS install that do not have a client ID. Try modifying /plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/whmcs/whmcs_migrator.php line 399: From: foreach ($contacts as $contact) { To: foreach ($contacts as $contact) { if (!$this->mappings['clients'][$contact->userid]) continue;
  22. Totally understand. You are correct that some licenses are not compatible with others. However, since your code is extending Blesta and Blesta's license does not limit this, you can choose whatever license you wish (including GPL).
  23. The license you define for your plugin is completely up to you, the developer.
  24. According to the docs, you could create payment accounts without using javascript (as we've done with Stripe), using their PHP library. BTW, this appears to be a shameless copy of Stripe.
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