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Posts posted by Cody

  1. Permissions are so dependent on the system using them, and since Blesta's API is so extensive, it would be cumbersom, both from a UI perspective, and from an implementation perspective to add permissions for all supported actions.


    You're best bet is a plugin. It gives you the control and isolation to ensure permissions are enforced as your business requirements dictate, and it doesn't requiring evaluating thousands of individual permission options to setup. Not only that, but Blesta's API is an every evoling thing. So it really isn't a good idea to allow third parties to use it directly.


    We use the plugin option for controlling access with our own internal and external integrations, and we really wouldn't want it any other way.

  2. Attached is a test script you can execute on your server to help diagnose issues with setting include paths.


    To use, unzip test_include_path.zip, then run it once via your web server, and via CLI. You should have the same exact result for each, printing "SUCCESS!!" at the bottom.

    php test_include_path.php

    Expected output:

    php test_include_path.php
    Current include path: .:/usr/bin/pear
    Modifying include path to include: /var/www/html/include_path_test/includes
    Include path is now: .:/usr/bin/pear:/var/www/html/include_path_test/includes
    Success. Attempting to a include file. Should print "SUCCESS!!" below...

    If you don't receive a success, your php.ini file is configured improperly, or your user does not have permission to execute files.


  3. Version 3.4.0 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area.

    Installing Blesta

    See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.

    Upgrading Blesta

    See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.

    Migrating to Blesta

    See Migrating to Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.


    • Client Contact Logins
    • Two Factor Authentication for Clients and Contacts
    • Knowledgebase via the Support Manager plugin
    • Tons more...

    PHP 5.5+ Users

    Included in this release is a /hotfix-php5.5/ directory. Please use this directory to overwrite the default /blesta/app/app_controller.php, /blesta/app/app_model.php, and /blesta/app/models/license.php files.

    Release Notes

    See Blesta Core - Version 3.4.0-b1.
    See Blesta Core - Version 3.4.0-b2.
    See Blesta Core - Version 3.4.0.

    For older releases see all Change Logs.


    There are a lot of AJAX requests sitewide, though, and my server is able to handle them.



    Has nothing to do with the AJAX request, rather you don't see the result of the AJAX request because your server chokes on the actual SFTP action.


    If you're familiar with browser inspectors you could see the result returned from the server (if it returns anything).


    You should enable PHP error logging on your server and log all PHP errors. You can also open the /config/blesta.php config and change the error reporting value from 0 to -1 at the top of that file.

  5. You can use the CLI API to interact with models.


    You can also execute controllers via CLI:

    % php /path/to/blesta/index.php controller/action param1 param2 param3

    This is how cron jobs are executed (e.g. php /path/to/blesta/index.php cron)


    You could create a plugin which would give you an environment to execute whatever you want via CLI:

    % php /path/to/blesta/index.php plugin/plugin_name/controller_name/action

    The above assume the following in /path/to/blesta/plugins/plugin_name/controller_name.php:

    class ControllerName extends AppController {
        public function index() {
            echo "the default action";
        public function action() {
            echo "a different action";

    importServices: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'option_pricing_id' cannot be null on line 124


    This is the result of the migrator not being able to find the pricing ID for the configurable option imported from WHMCS, when attempting to add the configurable option for a service.


    This could mean that either:


    • The service has a config option set that doesn't exist
      SELECT tblhostingconfigoptions.* FROM tblhostingconfigoptions
      INNER JOIN tblhosting ON tblhosting.id=tblhostingconfigoptions.relid
      LEFT JOIN tblproductconfigoptions ON tblproductconfigoptions.id=tblhostingconfigoptions.configid
      LEFT JOIN tblproductconfigoptionssub ON tblproductconfigoptionssub.id=tblhostingconfigoptions.optionid
      WHERE tblproductconfigoptions.id IS NULL OR tblproductconfigoptionssub.id IS NULL;
    • The config option exists, but the pricing doesn't
      -- pricing set but no config value defined
      SELECT tblpricing.*
      FROM tblpricing
      LEFT JOIN tblproductconfigoptionssub ON tblproductconfigoptionssub.id=tblpricing.relid
      WHERE tblpricing.type='configoptions' AND tblproductconfigoptionssub.id IS NULL;
    • Pricing exists, but the config option doesn't
      -- config value set but no pricing defined for one or more currencies
      SELECT tblproductconfigoptionssub.*, tblcurrencies.code AS currency_code, tblcurrencies.id AS currency_id
      FROM tblcurrencies
      JOIN tblproductconfigoptionssub
      LEFT JOIN tblpricing ON tblpricing.relid=tblproductconfigoptionssub.id AND tblpricing.type='configoptions' AND tblcurrencies.id=tblpricing.currency
      WHERE tblpricing.id IS NULL;
  7. Thanks Cody!


    My definition of non-recurring automatic payments is just a payment which only happens if necessary. For example, a recurring payment is generally the same every month and always is due; with our site, whilst we may invoice every month, the user may not owe anything or may a variable amount above $0.00. So basically we want to be able to automatically charge the user only if they have outstanding invoices; as it's possible some months they may not have them + the amount they owe will vary.


    Yup, every merchant gateway works that way.

  8. Update /components/gateways/nonmerchant/offline/views/default/process.pdt.


    echo $this->TextParser->encode("markdown", $this->Html->ifSet($meta['instructions']));


    echo $this->Html->ifSet($meta['instructions']);

    But I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you clone the offline gateway and rename it to create your own custom gateway if you need iframes.


    This offline gateway only supports Markdown text.

  9. The offline payment gateway is only intended to support Markdown text.


    See Markdown syntax


    Here's an example:

    # This is a heading
    This is a paragraph
    - List item 1
    - List item 2
    1. Number list 1
    2. Number list 2
    [Text to link](http://google.com/)


    <h1>This is a heading</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph</p>
    <li>List item 1</li>
    <li>List item 2</li>
    <li>Number list 1</li>
    <li>Number list 2</li>
    <p><a href="http://google.com/">Text to link</a></p>
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