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Posts posted by Cody

  1. Different registrars require different "extended fields" based on TLD.


    .co.uk is not the same as .uk with respect to TLD submitted to registrars that require separting TLD from SLD (despite the fact that, by definition, TLD means top level, e.g. .uk).


    This is probably due to country TLDs not being resold through various countries directly until recently.

  2. so i'm confused because i have two proforma with the same id with diferent amounts/products/date .


    You will never have two pro forma invoices in the system with the same number. Once an invoice has been converted from pro forma to an invoice, the pro forma records no longer exists!


    Besides, the only way a customer would receive another pro forma invoice with the same number as a previous invoice is if the newest invoice belongs to them, they pay it, then the system generates a new invoice for the same customer before generating any other invoices, which is unlikely.

  3. The URI for emails delivered by the cron is derived from the Root Web Directory setting. Try adjusting that setting and see how it affects the URL in the email. 99% of issues with links in emails delivered by the cron are the result of an incorrect value set as the Root Web Directory.

  4. Any other ideas about why I may be having this problem? I have hard coded the client account link into the email template so that people would get to the right place, but can not hard code the Pay Now (no login required) link, which still leads to the wrong place. Thanks.


    If the issue is with emails delivered via cron, then the solution is to set the correct path for Root Web Directory as I mentioned in post #3.

  5. Hmm, Well I do not have phpids installed.

    It could be on paypals end. I was playing around with the IPN settings to get it to work with no luck.

    What's odd is when someone makes a paypal payment, there is no entry in the logs, just this one entry when I  was messing with the IPN settings, and did a "resend".

    That's no odd at all. Blesta doesn't know someone has payed with PayPal until PayPal sends the IPN.

    Is it normal not to have anything logged?

    It wouldn't be normal for nothing to be logged. But that's not the case for you. You are getting data logged. It just so happens that the POST data is empty, and that's not normal.

    Also is IPN required to be enabled, and what are the proper setttings?



    You shouldn't need to change anything with your configuration. PayPal is clearly hitting your server with IPN requests. The problem is none of the post data comes in. I have no doubt PayPal would not just send empty data to you -- so it's definitely a software/server/firewall issue.

    What version of Blesta are you running?

  6. Thanks Tyson :), I have removed the Order From and created a new one and now is almost perfect :)  only two anoying things:


    1º- On Domain, there is no Currency Select Box.

    Can you request this in discussion or features forum?

    2º- If you alredy have in cart a saved package with one of the currency, for exemple a domain in "EUR", you cannot change currency to "USD", only if you empty the cart and start again.

    This is by design. An order can only be for one currency, and if you did not allow currency conversion or if the price was defined in the currency selected for a different term then we would need to remove those items from the cart, which wouldn't be good for the user.


    Edit  : we can use the controller/view files instead of direct putting data in the function ?


    Yes. Use file_get_contents(), or if javascript or CSS: "<script src="path/to/the/file.js"></script>"


    Any thoughts on using array instead of string?

    $return = $event->getReturnVal();
    $return['head'][] "<script>alert('head');</script>"
    $return['body_start'][] "<p>Set at top of body</p>";
    $return['body_end'][] "<p>Set at bottom of body</p>";

    The more I think about it, the more I like using the array method (above).

  8. Do you have any 3rd party plugins, modules, or gateways installed?


    cURL can be configured to use a cookiejar. By the looks of it, you have code somewhere using a cookiejar defined in the root directory.

  9. Looks like you're blocking POST requests from PayPal's IPN, given that the POST data is empty: "a:0:{}"


    This could be one of two things:


    1. You have PHPIDS plugin enabled and it thinks PayPal's IPNs are attacks -- check your PHPIDS log, adjust settings as necessary, OR
    2. Your server is misconfigured and is not allowing POST data from PayPal's IPN service.
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